WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Standard Oil 1949 Coal + Steam = Hydrocarbon Syngas


Yes, almost sadly, we submit even more documentation of the fact that, for more than half a century, both the petroleum industry and our own United States Government have known that Coal can be hydrogenated, and thus converted into more versatile hydrocarbons, through fairly straightforward interactions with Steam.
We know these submissions are redundant, but we do try to avoid repetition. The fact that there are so many official US documents like this stashed away just serves to confirm how real, and how highly-developed, the science for hydrogenating Coal, and converting it on a practical basis into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon fuels, really is.
It also serves to confirm that such knowledge of viable and practical Coal conversion technology has, for whatever reason, been left to lie fallow; squirreled away so as to remain unused and unknown by the people who have, over the past decades, most deserved to have the tools of Coal conversion placed into their hands:

Carbon Recycling Via USBM CoalTL Tech

Note that two links are enclosed in this dispatch, one above and another following; and, two documents corresponding to those links are attached.
Taken together, they document how the United States Bureau of Mines, through their Pittsburgh, PA, outpost, first developed a technology for the conversion of Coal into more versatile hydrocarbons that was based on a product easily made from Coal; and, then realized, with US Patent Office confirmation of the fact, that their Coal conversion technology could be applied to Carbon-recycling organic waste materials.
But, the Carbon-recycling implications reach well beyond just the employment of organic wastes, and/or even purpose-grown botanical materials, in a process based on Coal conversion technology.
First, we remind you of an earlier dispatch, posted on the WV Coal Association's web site on August 12, wherein we reported "United States Patent 3,923,634 - Liquefaction of Coal; December, 1975; Assignee: Mobil Oil Corporation".

Standard Oil 1950 CO2 + CH4 + H2O = Syngas

We previously submitted report of "United States Patent 2,676,156 - Preparation of Synthesis Gas", from 1954, wherein it was seen that Standard Oil Development Company, of New Jersey and Delaware, had developed a technology wherein Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Water can be combined in order to form a synthesis gas, from which liquid hydrocarbons could be catalytically condensed.
We stated that such development rested on earlier, similar, achievements; and, herein, we present another example of those precedent Carbon Dioxide recycling technologies.
And, we must, yet again, emphasize: The Methane, and/or "natural gas", as specified, that is required in the process disclosed by this United States Patent can itself be synthesized, either from Carbon Dioxide, via processes now being, as we've reported, further refined by NASA and the US Department of Defense; or, from Coal, via multiple, US-patented technologies owned by various companies within the petroleum industry, and others.

Norway 1934 Coal + Steam = Hydrocarbon Syngas

We earlier, as recorded by the WV Coal Association on August 10 of this year, documented, through report of "US 1,949,891 - Valuable Products from Coal" that the Netherlands, not a nation, aside from some holdings in their then far-flung empire, rich in Coal deposits, had, some years before the outbreak of WWII, like Germany, developed technology wherein liquid hydrocarbon fuels could be synthesized from Coal.
Herein, we see that another Coal-poor European nation, before WWII, saw, as well, that there was benefit in escaping the chains of what was, even then, perhaps especially then, Big Oil, and developed a US Patent Office-approved method for converting Coal into more versatile hydrocarbons.

Standard Oil 1947 Coal & CO2 to Gasoline

We continue to wade through the swamp of Coal liquefaction, and related Carbon conversion, technologies developed by US-based Big Oil companies in the years immediately following WWII, with yet another refinement of the art accomplished by Standard Oil of Indiana.
The sole inventor named in this submission, too, is someone we have previously cited, in reports of his Coal conversion work as part of a team of Standard Oil scientists obviously assigned to advance well-established German and Japanese CoalTL technology.
This example contains within it yet more evidence that Carbon Dioxide can be productively employed as additional raw material in a hydrocarbon fuel production process that is, in light of what should be obvious economics of supply, centered on Coal.