WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

New CO2 Recycling Patent Applied For

Carbon Sciences Files Landmark Patent Application for Breakthrough CO2-Based Gas-to-Liquids Fuel Technology - MarketWatch 
Carbon Sciences, Inc., of California, is a company whose Carbon conversion technology we've previously brought to your attention, in earlier of our reports.
Herein, its reported that they have filed an application for a United States Patent on technology to recycle Carbon Dioxide from flue gas; a realistic concept many others, several of our own US DOE's National Laboratories and Penn State University among them, all as we have documented, have realized and started to take action on.
We will attempt to track down the patent application itself, and bring it to you in a separate dispatch. For now, we close with an excerpt from the attached link, a timely comment that echoes some we have lately made in our CoalTL dispatches:
"Byron Elton, CEO of Carbon Sciences: "The ongoing tragic events involving BP's unchecked flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico further underscores the urgent need to reduce and eliminate our addiction to petroleum, foreign and domestic."
Coal - and it's CO2 shadow - can do that.

Consol 1967 Coal Tar to Gasoline

Hydrocracking of polynuclear hydrocarbons
We have cited multiple reports wherein it's indicated that primary Coal oils, Coal tars, such as anthracene and napthalene, often referred to, along with other, similar, compounds that are derived from petroleum, as "PAH's", or polyaromatic, or polynuclear aromatic, hydrocarbons, can themselves be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels; or, hydrogenated and used as agents of liquefaction and hydrogenation for more raw coal.
In fact, we believe the Hydrogen-donor solvent known as "Tetralin", which is specified in WVU's "West Virginia Process" for direct Coal liquefaction, and, by others we have documented, in similar Coal conversion processes, to be an hydrogenated derivative of the primary Coal oil, Napthalene. 

China CO2 & Coal Co-Conversion

The formation mechanism of CO2 and its conversion in the process of coal gasification under arc plasma conditions
As we have, from other sources, previously documented, technologies exist wherein Carbon Dioxide can be utilized, recycled, by being employed as a co-reactant in some indirect processes of Coal conversion intended to synthesize higher hydrocarbons.
Herein, we see that China, whose extensive Coal and Carbon conversion developments we have many times reported on, is working to further develop and enhance the "plasma arc" technology that, again as we have reported, has been under joint development by scientists in Switzerland and Israel for the productive recycling of CO2; and, separately, by other researchers for the conversion of Coal. 

Consol 1966 Hydrogen-Enriched Coal Products

Process for producing hydrogen-enriched hydrocarbonaceous products from coal
As we have been documenting, Consolidation Coal Company pursued the development of technologies for the hydrogenation and liquefaction of Coal throughout the decades of the 1960's and 1970's.
Herein is yet another example of their refinement of Coal conversion technology, detailing the specifics of how various types of inert contaminants can be removed from Coal during the liquefaction process, resulting in a liquid product better-suited for further refining into hydrocarbon fuels.

Esso/Exxon Liquefies Coal with Coal Oil & Water

Herein, again from Exxon's precedent company, we present further documentation of two facts we believe should, by now, be well-established for our readers:
Primary and long-known Coal oils, or Coal "tars", can serve as agents of liquefaction and hydrogenation for raw Coal.
And, Water can be utilized in the Coal liquefaction process to improve the hydrogenation of Coal into hydrocarbons, thereby lessening the need for any added elemental Hydrogen, with it's associated expense.