WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Even More 1964 Consol Coal Conversion

Process for preparing hydrocarbonaceous products from coal 
Enclosed is yet another US Patent, awarded nearly one half of a century ago to our local Consolidation Coal Company, which further documents Consol's methodical development, which seemed to proceed, starting in the 1950's, until their acquisition by Continental Oil, and even for a short time thereafter, of technologies that enabled the efficient conversion of Coal into hydrocarbons.
Comment follows excerpts from:
"United States Patent 3,184,401 - Hydrocarbonaceous Products from Coal

More 1972 Esso/Exxon Coal Liquefaction

Patent US3694342 
We continue, in this submission, to document the development by Exxon, during it's life as Esso, throughout the 1970's, of practical technologies for the conversion of Coal into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
The enclosed example is of some special interest for us, since it provides further documentation of facts we've earlier reported from other credible sources.
As we explain, following excerpts from:
"United States Patent 3,694,342 - Liquefaction of Coal Using Synthesis Gas
Date: September, 1972

Consol Hydrogen-Enriched Coal Liquids

Production of hydrogen-enriched liquid fuels from coal 
We continue our march, through Consolidation Coal Company's imposingly-large collection of Coal liquefaction technologies, with this selection, from 1964, detailing another process conceived by their prolific Coal conversion scientist, Everett Gorin.
Truth to tell, even to our unqualified eyes, this particular invention reads as, perhaps, somewhat too complicated, and potentially too costly, for practical application.
But, that is something others, who are qualified, should judge; and, judge with an attitude that such a process, as specified herein, could and should be made better.

Standard Oil 1949 Coal + Steam = Hydrocarbon Syngas

Process for producing hydrogencarbon monoxide gas mixtures
Starting to realize, the various and sundry "Standard Oil"-derived companies, like Consolidation Coal Company, have a long history of Coal conversion development.
And, just as with our accumulated data, and pending reports, on Consol, the Standard Oil paper trail has become so extensive that we have no choice but to start grinding through it in as methodical and  chronologically-ordered a fashion as possible.
Toward that end, we herein submit, from 1949, the now-earliest of our remaining Standard-related documents attesting to the fact that, not only can Coal be efficiently converted into more versatile forms of fuel and energy, but, the Oil industry and our US Government have known that to be true for quite a long time.

California CO2 + CH4 + H2O = Hydrocarbon Syngas

Patent US3743488
We remind you, first, of an earlier dispatch, wherein we alerted you to the report of "Microbial (Conversion) of Carbon Dioxide to Methane", by Associate Professor Nirupam Pal, at the California Polytechnic State University.
We also remind you of our many reports on bi-reforming and tri-reforming technologies, such as those, most especially, from Penn State University, wherein Carbon Dioxide can be reacted with Methane, CH4, to synthesize higher hydrocarbons.
The technology disclosed herein by the Fluor Corporation, an older chemical industry processing, contracting and servicing company, who will likely sound familiar to anyone acquainted with the spectrum of chemical plants flourishing along the banks of Coal Country rivers, seems, to us, a version of such reforming technology, wherein Carbon Dioxide can be reacted, recycled, with, among other gaseous hydrocarbons, Methane, to synthesize higher hydrocarbons such, as the versatile and quite valuable liquid fuel, and gasoline and plastics raw material, Methanol.