WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

1963 Self-Powered Coal Conversion

Method for the continuous distillation of coal and other hydrocarbonaceous materials and for the autogenous hydrogenation of .
In confirmation of other authoritative references we've cited, the United States Patent herein enclosed  reveals, yet again, that a process for converting Coal into Gasoline, and into other fuels and valuable chemicals, can, if properly designed, be powered entirely by the Coal used as the raw material for the conversion.
In other words: We can make Gasoline out of Coal; and, we don't need much of anything but Coal to do so.

Pittsburgh Gulf Oil 1953 CoalTL

Process for preparing liquid hydrocarbon fuel from coal
As in just one of our more recent posts, concerning: "United States Patent 4,230,556 - Integrated Coal Liquefaction-Gasification Process; 1980; Assignee: Gulf Oil Corporation, Pittsburgh; we have been documenting that Pittsburgh's former Gulf Oil Corporation had, in the years just prior to their assimilation by Chevron, devoted considerable effort into demonstrating that Coal could be profitably and efficiently converted into  hydrocarbons; products which could serve as direct replacements for the liquid and gaseous fuels we traditionally think of as coming from "petroleum".
Herein, we see that Gulf, and it's team of Pennsylvania scientists, had been,  for many decades, publicly  unnoticed, and long before issuance of the above-noted invention, developing Coal conversion technology.

CO2, & Liquid Fuel from Thin Air

United States Patent: 7378561
We have, and will continue, to cite the work of George Olah, and his colleagues at the University of Southern California, in our efforts to make it known that Carbon Dioxide, as arises in a small way, relative to natural sources of emission, from our productive uses of Coal, is, and should be treated as, a valuable raw material resource.
Most recently, on May 12 of this year, we reported Olah's United States Patent Application for the "Electrolysis of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous Media ... For Production of Methanol".
Olah and his USC colleagues have at least one other, similar, application pending, which we will explain in a future dispatch. But, first, we wanted to bring to your attention the fact that some US Patents have already been issued to Olah for Carbon Dioxide recycling technologies, processes that echo themes already studied and proposed by USDOE scientist Rich Diver, and others, as we've documented, at the Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories.

Poland Improves CO2 to Methanol

We earlier made report of developments in Poland, whereby Carbon Dioxide can be recycled into inexpensive Gasoline, now posted on the West Virginia Coal Association's web site as: "Poland CO2 to 50-cent Gasoline; 5/21/2010", wherein Polish researchers reveal that "Gasoline from Carbon Dioxide is not Science Fiction".
In this submission, we document that other scientists in Poland, in confirmation of developments we've already reported and documented from some of our own United States National Laboratories, and from others, herein reveal, in earlier developments, that Methanol from Carbon Dioxide isn't science fiction, either.

"We Don't Need Oil" - Montana Governor Schweitzer

You Don't Need Oil To Make Fuel
We have previously reported on Montana's Governor Schweitzer, and his assertive, enthusiastic support of Coal liquefaction industry.
To further document his stance, and to, along the way, reinforce some of our earlier reports, we submit herein one of his more recent addresses on the subject of converting Coal into liquid fuels.