WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

1964 Consol CoalTL Costs versus Petroleum

Process for making liquid fuels from coal
We have many times cited Consolidation Coal Company's research scientist, Everett Gorin, as in our report, recently posted on the West Virginia Coal Association R&D site, of his "Production of ... Liquid Fuels from Coal - United States Patent 3,018,241".
There are more than one dozen United States Patents that have been issued for developments in the technology for Coal conversion and liquefaction wherein Gorin is named as the inventor or co-inventor.
Most of those patents were assigned to his long-time employer, Consol, and, thus, now, Consol's new owner, Continental Oil. A few were assigned to another, apparently small-venture, Coal conversion company Gorin seemed to have had some involvement with: Socony Oil, of New York. 

1952 Pittsburgh CoalTL

Hydrogenation liquefaction of coal employing zinc catalysts
As now recorded in the West Virginia Coal Association R&D archives, we have several times reported on Consolidation Coal Company's development of the "Zinc Chloride", or, variously, "Zinc Halide", technology for Coal liquefaction; now commemorated, as we also reported some time ago, in a United States Patent held by Consol's new parent company, Continental Oil, for "Hydrocracking Polynuclear Hydrocarbons".
We have discovered that, as with many Coal-to-Liquid technologies we've researched that are now in private, mostly oil industry, hands, Conoco's Zinc Halide cracking technology seems to have arisen from original research paid for by our US Federal Government; paid for by us, in other words.

VA Tech Improves CO2-CH4 Reforming

United States Patent: 6527833
Yesterday, we reported on Virginia Tech's development of reforming processes, wherein Carbon Dioxide is reacted with Methane in order to synthesize higher hydrocarbons.
The United States Patent enclosed herein, we believe, is one result of their research. Close reading reveals that it is the refinement of a method intended to better prevent "reversal" of the Methane-Carbon Dioxide reforming reaction, a contingency we've noted in other reports of research and development of similar technology.

CO2 Sequestration "Not Practical", "Erroneous"


The only accurate reportage on this new study, concerning the Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Scam, we could find was in the United Kingdom's Guardian, as linked above.
Web searches for it turn up little else but published cries of outrage, and editorials that twist it's words and meanings. We found a direct link, supposedly, to the paper itself, but that link would not function for us.
Most meaningful, to us, is that the research was put together by some honest Texas academics, one of whom, Michael Economides, we have previously cited in our posts concerning Carbon conversion technologies. 

Chevron Hydrogenates CoalTL Residue

United States Patent: 3615300
The need for concision might have made our headline a little misleading.
In this Chevron Coal liquefaction technology, Coal liquefaction residue from a primary Coal conversion process, is, indeed, being hydrogenated so that it, too, can be further processed into liquid hydrocarbons.
However, at the same time, the hydrogenation reaction of the CoalTL residue is generating excess Hydrogen, which can then be utilized to further hydrogenate the liquid products of the primary Coal conversion process.