WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Virginia Tech Reforms CO2 with CH4

We believe the author of the enclosed thesis to be one Doowhan Lee, who, after earning a PhD at Virginia Tech, with the enclosed dissertation, according to online sources, went on to become a Professor of Chemical Engineering, at the University of California, Berkeley; and, a Faculty Scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in California, before returning to Korea and joining the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology.
In any case, while at Virginia Tech, this accomplished scientist helped to advance our knowledge of how two greenhouse gases, Carbon Dioxide and Methane, could be reacted to together to synthesize valuable hydrocarbons.

Esso Improves Coal Liquid Processing

United States Patent: 3790467
The enclosed US Patent isn't all that informative or revelatory, as regards the very real technologies that exist to transform our abundant Coal into the liquid transportation fuels we need.
We submit it only as another item of evidence demonstrating that the knowledge exists, and has existed in the community of United States petroleum companies for many decades, which would enable us to convert our abundant domestic Coal, cleanly and efficiently, into those needed liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
The technology disclosed herein, as with some others we've reported, deals not with manufacturing hydrocarbon liquids from Coal, it being a given that we can do so; but, with the further cleaning and refining such Coal liquids, once they are manufactured, so that they can better serve as direct replacements for oil refinery feed stock; and, by extension, as direct replacements for the liquid fuels required by our current transportation fleet and transportation fuel supply infrastructure. 

More California Coal Conversion

Yesterday, we made report of: "United States Patent 4,191,700 - Synthetic Liquid Fuels; March, 1980", a Coal liquefaction technology developed by scientists working for California's Electric Power Research Institute.
Herein, we see that other West Coast entities have developed Coal conversion technologies of their own.

1939 CO2 + CH4 = Hydrocarbons

Process for converting gaseous hydrocarbons
We some time ago reported that a United States Patent had been issued, in 1933, to German inventors for demonstrating that Methane could be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Herein, we report that, six years later, in 1939, an American petroleum company went Germany one better by demonstrating that, not only could Methane be converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, but, the conversion could be accomplished by combining the Methane with Carbon Dioxide.

Pittsburgh Improves CoalTL Catalysis

United States Patent: 4340503
As a foreword to this United States Patent for condensing Coal-derived syngas into liquid hydrocarbons, we submit an excerpt taken from the Patent's formal Background explanation:
"Since the combined action in 1973 by OPEC which has resulted in a 500% increase in the cost of crude oil, the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis reaction has become more important. In countries with cheap coal, such as South Africa, Australia and even portions of the United States, the synthesis of fuel from coal can be economical today and will become more economical as OPEC continues to raise crude oil prices."
What's changed?