WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Coal Hydrogenation via Steam

Process of producing water gas
We feel it necessary to persist in confirming that the needed Hydrogen, for Coal hydrogenation and liquefaction processes, can be extracted on a practical basis from plain old H2O.
In the enclosed United States Patent, we see that Germany was again telegraphing her WWII Coal synthetic fuels punch by revealing that fact.

Texas Improves CO2 Recycling

Improved Sabatier Reactions for In Situ Resource Utilization on Mars Missions
You will, we trust, recall our exchange of love notes with an academic Big Oil mouthpiece from West Texas, regarding our innuendoes that Texas is kindly offering use of their waning oil fields as a place for all of us coal-using hillbillies to, all at our expense, stash the nasty Carbon Dioxide arising, in a small way relative to natural sources of emission, from our productive uses of Coal.
Our contention was, and is, that Carbon Dioxide can be recycled into useful hydrocarbon resources, that Texas knows that; and, that they intend, once they have our discarded CO2, to start converting it into commercial fuels and selling it back to us, much as Japan shot pieces of old, junked Buicks and Chevy's back at us during WWII.

Nobel Laureate Patents Four Fuel Conversion technologies

United States Patent: 4433192
In one of our more recent submissions, now posted on the West Virginia Coal Association's R&D site as:
West Virginia Coal Association - California Files CO2 Recycling Patents
"Patent Application Title: Conversion of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol ... Using ... Methane; Inventors: George A. Olah and Surya Prakash",
we documented how the University of Southern California's Nobel Laureate, George Olah, and a colleague, had recently pointed the way towards an efficient reclamation and reuse of Carbon Dioxide, through reacting it with Methane to form Methanol, by filing for United States and International patents on one way to do so. 

Pennsylvania Coal to Methane

United States Patent: 3779725
Since we most recently documented how, through a multiplicity of United States Patents, the University of Southern California's Nobel Laureate, George Olah, has more than adequately demonstrated the practicality of converting Methane into Gasoline, we wanted to again affirm that the Methane needed for such conversion into Gasoline; or, any Methane needed for use in Tri-reforming Carbon Dioxide, to convert that supposed greenhouse pollutant into valuable hydrocarbons using the technology described best so far by Penn State University scientists Chunsan Song and Craig Grimes, can itself be synthesized from Coal.

Canada, & Methane to Gasoline

United States Patent: 4973776
We submit the enclosed United States Patent, held by an arm of the Canadian government, to illustrate yet another route for the conversion of Coal, by perhaps indirectly utilizing Carbon Dioxide, as well, into liquid hydrocarbon fuels.