WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Sandia Nat Lab Reforms CO2 with CH4

Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information - Sponsored by OSTI
We have many times documented, in our reports to the West Virginia Coal Association, the work of some of the US Department of Energy's National Laboratories, most notably Brookhaven and Sandia, in the development of technologies which would enable us to recycle the Carbon Dioxide by-product of our Coal use industries.
Herein, from Sandia, which is referred to as a "GOCO" facility because it is government-owned but contractor-operated, with comment appended, we present excerpts from and an additional link to:
"SANDIA REPORT SAND2007-2331: Autothermal Reforming of Natural Gas to Synthesis Gas, April 2007
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Steven F. Rice and David P. Mann; Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185 and Livermore, California 94550 
Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Abstract: This Project Final Report serves to document the project structure and technical results achieved during the 3-year project titled Advanced Autothermal Reformer for US Dept of Energy Office of Industrial Technology. The project was initiated in December 2001 and was completed March 2005. ... The purpose of the project was to ... examine (processes in the) ... Autothermal Reformer (ATR) during the production of hydrogen-carbon monoxide synthesis gas intended for Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) applications including ammonia, methanol, and higher hydrocarbons.
(Results) ... showed that the conditions ... allow for the direct participation of CO2 in the oxidation chemistry.
Reaction Chemistry Modeling: ... The results show that ... the direct incorporation of CO2 into the gas feed results in a significantly changed flame product spectrum and indicate clearly that these partial oxidation flame conditions are capable of directly converting CO2 into product syngas CO ... .
This project was designed to address a key technical issue surrounding the advanced autothermal reforming of natural gas and carbon dioxide to synthesis gas (H2/CO) for use in the production of liquid hydrocarbons including ammonia, methanol, and heavier hydrocarbons.
... Autothermal Reformer(s) (ATRs) have the potential to significantly improve the energy efficiency and technical reliability of the overall conversion of C1 compounds to liquid hydrocarbons. The implementation of ATR technology to the production of synthesis gas for Fischer-Tropsch conversion to liquid hydrocarbons hold the promise of reducing the cost of this key reforming step to a level that makes the use of C1 compounds (in this case methane as natural gas) economically viable as feedstocks.
... one of the additional goals of the project was to assess the effects of carbon dioxide recirculation in the ATR burner. As discussed in the introduction of this report, CO2 recirculation offers a way to potentially lower the overall steam-to-carbon ratio in the ATR thereby producing a product gas mix that is more amenable to GTL applications."
We conclude our excerpts here due to the combination of very technical detail and exhaustive descriptions of experimental and bureaucratic procedure that fill the bulk of the report, which we found too large to retransmit as an attached document file.
We must note that the main point of the project seems devoted to developing ways in which Carbon Dioxide can be incorporated into a Methane reforming system without excessive soot formation, which, as we have earlier documented, is a problem in Methane-CO2 reactions that can be partially overcome by adding Steam to the reaction mix; a procedure which, according to other sources we have documented, enhances the production of hydrocarbons.
And, the researchers speak rather generically of "recycling" Carbon Dioxide, and seem to indicate that at least some of it is generated in a part of the reforming process.
Moreover, left unexplained, as if it were to assumed, is the fact that this is an "Autothermal" reforming process. As we have elsewhere documented, some of the reactions involved in Methane-Carbon Dioxide reforming are exothermic and generate heat energy, which could be reclaimed and used to help drive other steps in the process, with resulting economies.
Nonetheless: It is herein documented, by a US Department of Energy National Laboratory, that Methane can be reacted with Carbon Dioxide to produce "synthesis gas for Fischer-Tropsch conversion to liquid hydrocarbons".
And, keep in mind that, as the Nobel Committee affirmed in 1912, through award of their Prize in Chemistry to Paul Sabatier, the needed Methane can itself be synthesized from Carbon Dioxide.

Consol Patents CoalTL

Patent US3018241
We have earlier, several times, referenced Consol's activities in the research and development of Coal Liquefaction technology; and, we have identified for you one of the key scientists who led their CoalTL development efforts, Everett Gorin.
Gorin is named as the inventor of the Coal conversion process we report herein, and will figure in some additional reports about Consol eventually to follow.

Delaware Liquefies CoalTL Resid for USDOE

Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information - - Document #2244
We have been reporting on the USDOE's major CoalTL development effort, undertaken in the last decade and a half of the last century; and apparently supervised by the Federal Energy Technology Centers in Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA; to develop technologies that would enable us to convert our abundant Coal into the liquid transportation fuels we need.
We noted that the University of Delaware, like West Virginia University, was one of the sub-contractors involved in the research. Their primary area of responsibility, as we understand it, was to develop technology for the further refining of carbonaceous residues, the "resid", left behind by some primary Coal liquefaction process, as evidenced in our most recent report of Consol's 1962 United States Patent, Number 3018241, for the "Production of ... Liquid Fuels from Coal".
Herein, we present two reports of Delaware's work, and their results. The first, linked above, but available as well through the enclosed icon following, is far too large for us, with our limited capacities, to download and retransmit. The Abstract, however, should be revealing enough to motivate those Coal partisans genuinely interested in the truth that Coal can, on a practical basis, be cleanly, completely and economically converted into the liquid fuels that we are now being extorted by foreign powers for the supply of, to open the file up and make it freely available to those who most deserve to have the information: the tax-paying citizens of the United States who paid for the work, and especially those tax-paying US citizens resident in US Coal Country.
First up, is the official report of the work performed by the University of Delaware, in the secondary conversion of primary Coal liquefaction process residues, under contract to the United States Department of Energy. Following the excerpt from the DOE report, is, via another link and excerpt, what we think to be another, very interesting, artifact of this work.
As follows, trusting the imbedded link, just below, transmits with function intact; and with comment interspersed and appended:
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"Title: Coal Liquefaction Process Streams: The Kinetics of Coal Liquefaction Distillation Resid Conversion
Author(s): D. Campbell; D.G. Nichols; et. al. - (All, we believe, with the University of Delaware. - JtM)
Report Number: DE-AC22-94PC93054--16; DOE Contract: AC22-94PC93054; June, 1998.
Research Organization: Federal Energy Technology Center(s), Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA
Abstract: Under subcontract from CONSOL Inc. (DOE Contract No. DE- AC22- 94PC93054), the University of Delaware studied the mechanism and kinetics of coal liquefaction resid conversion. The program at Delaware was conducted between August 15, 1994, and April 30, 1997. It consisted of two primary tasks. The first task was to develop an empirical test to measure the reactivity toward hydrocracking of coal-derived distillation resids. The second task was to formulate a computer model to represent the structure of the resids and a kinetic and mechanistic model of resid reactivity based on the structural representations. An Introduction and Summary of the project authored by CONSOL and a report of the program findings authored by the University of Delaware researchers are presented here. INTRODUCTION Resid hydrocracking is a key reaction of modern (i. e., distillate- producing) coal liquefaction processes. Coals are readily converted to resid and lighter products in the liquefaction process. The resid is combined with fresh coal in a ratio often greater than 1:1, and some vacuum gas oil and is recycled to be further converted. Understanding the chemistry of resids and resid reactivity is important to improve direct liquefaction process design and to achieve economic objectives for direct coal liquefaction. Computational models that predict resid conversion from the chemical characteristics of the resids and reaction conditions would be a cost-efficient way to explore process variables. Implementation of such models could aid in the design and operation of liquefaction facilities."
Note: "Under subcontract from CONSOL Inc. ... the University of Delaware studied ... coal liquefaction resid conversion." And: "Research Organization: Federal Energy Technology Center(s), Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, PA".
Did anyone, outside the USDOE's Morgantown and Pittsburgh offices, in US Coal Country know there was any coal liquefaction going on for there even to be such a thing as "coal liquefaction resid"?
 Why not?
There's not much we can add to the above, except to ask: Why haven't the results been implemented? Far past time they were, don't you think?
We have seen evidence that some, scant, results of the University of Delaware's work were presented in a few, more public, forums. However, the only one we have so far been able to access was delivered at a conference half-way around, and down under, the world.
From a somewhat obscure, for those of us in United States Coal Country, conference in Australia, we submit:
Kinetics of coal liquefaction distillation resid conversion
"Title: Kinetics of Coal Liquefaction Distillation Resid Conversion
Authors: Shaojie Wang; He Huang; Keyu Wang; Klein, M.T.; Calkins, W.H.
Affiliation: Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Source: Asia Pacific Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Technology, Australia; 1998
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to understand the characteristics of coal liquefaction resids from the direct two-stage coal liquefaction process, the reactivity of these resids in hydroconversion, and the relationship between resid reactivity and resid composition. A suite of 15 distillation resids obtained from two-stage pilot plant liquefaction runs were extensively characterized. An empirical direct liquefaction test was developed to determine the relative resid reactivity in hydroconversion and was applied to these resids. The kinetics of hydrocracking of two of the resids were also investigated in more detail. The presence of about 10-15% of an unconvertible component in the resids was indicated and isolated. The source of this unconvertible component is being investigated."
First of all, it seems strange, doesn't it, that information on technology to more fully convert coal into liquid fuels, which was generated by work paid for, via the USDOE, by US tax dollars, was only semi-publicly unveiled at a conference about as far away as you could get from where the work was actually financed, supervised and done; and, from where the information was actually needed?
But, note: In the immediately foregoing, it appears that at least 85% of residues from a primary coal liquefaction process can be themselves further liquefied and converted into hydrocarbon liquids. Without citation, we submit that other reports we've earlier brought to your attention indicate that resid from primary coal conversion processes accounts for about 15% of the mass of the original coal feed. In other words, we can convert 85% of coal into liquids. Then, we can convert 85% of the remaining 15% of "insoluble" residue into liquids.
The restaurant worker and skilled tip-splitter who shelters us suggests that means right around 97% of the original coal can, ultimately, be converted into liquids which can be further processed into needed fuels and chemicals.

US Patented CO2 + H2O = Hydrocarbons

United States Patent: 5516742

We submit the enclosed United States Patent, for yet another method to recycle Carbon Dioxide into useful and valuable products, with some cautionary foreword.
We have, as yet, been unable to identify what, if any, the institutional or corporate affiliations of the inventor, Rollin Swanson, might be.
However, we elected to present this technology since it's validity was, and is, herein confirmed by supposedly expert United States patent examiners; and, because the description of the technology's action and implementation is congruent with other examples of similar technology for the recycling of Carbon Dioxide, which we have, from incontrovertible sources, previously documented for you. 

Georgia 1944 CoalTL

Patent US2349721
Anyone who grew up in an at least semi-southern state, like West Virginia, and who spent any time outdoors in the summer time, became aware that telephone poles and railroad ties, all made of wood, had been pressure treated, impregnated, with "tar" to prevent rot and prolong their useful life; a tar that became more liquid in the summer heat and stained shoes and hands.
That tar, that wood-preserving oil, was often made from Coal.