WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Idaho Recycles CO2

We have previously reported on the USDOE's various Carbon Dioxide conversion technology developments at several of their National Laboratories.
Herein, from the Idaho National Laboratory, "INL", we submit a news release on further development of their  "Syntrolysis" technology, wherein Carbon Dioxide is combined with Hydrogen electrolyzed from water to synthesize liquid hydrocarbons.

Germany Liquefies Coal with Coal Oil

Patent US4152244
In an earlier dispatch, posted April 4 on the West Virginia Coal Association's R&D site, and titled "Britain Liquefies Coal with Coal Tar", we reported that a US Patent, Number 4521291, had been awarded to British inventors for, as we have, from other sources, documented to be feasible, using primary and long-known Coal tars and oils, which can be extracted from Coal in a fairly direct way, as agents of hydrogenation and liquefaction for additional raw Coal. 

California Writes CoalTL Book for USDOE

Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information - - Document #766412
The enclosed report "Coal Gasification: Direct Applications and Synthesis of Chemicals and Fuels", all 500+ pages of it, was published, inexplicably, not by West Virginia University or the University of Pittsburgh; but, under contract to our United States Department of Energy, by the University of California in San Diego.
Excepting Alaska and Hawaii, that's just about as far away as you can get from the Ohio Valley aorta of United States Coal Country, and still be in the United States.

Japan's Mitsui Recycles CO2

As we have been reporting, Carbon Dioxide, as arises, relative to natural sources of emission, such as volcanism and seasonal vegetative rot, in a small way from our varied and productive uses of Coal, can be collected and productively recycled.

1934 German CoalTL US Patent

Patent US1950333
We've submitted a number of reports documenting Germany's development of Coal-to-Liquid conversion technology earlier in the last century; and, their, and Japan's, use of that technology to fuel the Axis armies during WWII.
We've also documented their open disclosure of their CoalTL technology, prior to the war.