WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Korea Recycles CO2

We had intended to submit this report, documenting the Korean development of "tri-reforming" technology, similar to that we have earlier documented to be under development by Song and Grimes, et. al., at Penn State University, wherein Carbon Dioxide is reacted, recycled, with Methane, which itself can be synthesized from Carbon Dioxide via Sabatier-type technology, to synthesize higher hydrocarbons, at a later date.
However, based on a discovery of developments we just made, this report has taken on additional significance for us, as it well might for others, and we elected to transmit it immediately, with only minimal comment appended.

Shell Methane to Gasoline

We have earlier, and will further, document and attempt to describe Shell Oil's "MDS", Middle Distillate Synthesis, technology for the conversion of hydrocarbon gasses into hydrocarbon liquid fuels, especially with regards to it's reduction to commercial practice at Bintulu, Malaysia.
Though most often associated with the catalytic transformation of natural gas into liquid hydrocarbons, it is planned at Bintulu, we believe, according to reports we've earlier relayed to the West Virginia Coal Association, for Shell's MDS technology to be deployed in conjunction with a lignite Coal conversion plant, using Shell's proprietary gasification technology, now under development according to other reports, to supply the needed Methane. 

Coal Liquid Hydrogenates More Coal

Process of preparing a donor solvent for coal liquefaction - US Patent 4663028 Full Text
We have many times documented the use of "hydrogen donor solvents" in some established Coal liquefaction processes.
West Virginia University in fact, as we have several times reported, specifies the use of the hydrogen donor solvent "tetralin" in their "West Virginia Process" for the direct liquefaction of Coal.
We have also documented that some primary Coal liquids, extracted from Coal "tars" and Coal "oils", long known in the art, such as anthracene and phenanthrene, can, when suitably processed, serve as the hydrogen donor solvents for further Coal liquefaction.

Spain Liquefies CoalTL Residue

Catalytic Hydrocracking of an Asphaltenic Coal Residue - Energy & Fuels (ACS Publications)
In this submission, we again confirm our earlier reports that Spain had, at one time, both a Coal-to-Liquid conversion capability, and, a technology to further convert the carbonaceous residue of primary coal liquefaction processes into additional hydrocarbon products.
We have in recent reports made reference to the fact that some unconverted carbonaceous residues, left by some primary processes of Coal liquefaction, could themselves be further processed to yield even more hydrocarbon liquids; and, we wanted to follow up in a timely way with additional support of that assertion.

Texaco Converts Coal & Recycles CO2 - 50 Years Ago

United States Patent: 2753296
Herein, via the two enclosed links, two attached files and two excerpts, we document that, even before some of those of us now teetering on the brink of geezerdom were born, both Big Oil and our US Government knew that, not only could Coal be converted into liquid fuels; but, so could Carbon Dioxide.