WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

More CO2 Recycling via Coal-Biomass Co-Conversion

The enclosed report, with the lengthy excerpt following, might seem at first unrelated to the topic of converting coal into liquid fuels and chemicals.
However, as with others we've sent you concerning the liquefaction of biological resources, it reveals that the technology is available which would, unlike the misbegotten and fundamentally-flawed concept of corn, or other ag-based, ethanol, allow us to make full use of our coal resources, while resolving the issue of Carbon Dioxide emissions, through the recycling of CO2 via industrial-type biological technology.
We have thoroughly documented that cellulose, the primary constituent of inedible woody plants, can be converted into liquid fuels, just as coal can be; and, it can be so converted using the same technical processes as coal, perhaps in the same processing stream in the same coal conversion factory..
As in other reports we've made, the chemical "lignin" is also another major constituent of woody biomass, and the attached article is further documentation that it, too, can be converted into liquid fuels.
The point, again, is that converting our abundant coal into the liquid fuels we need can provide us with both the technology and a renewable supply of raw materials, through non-food crop biological recycling of Carbon Dioxide, to make our domestic self-sufficiency in liquid fuels and industrial organic chemicals sustainable over the very long haul.
The two technologies go hand in hand, just like, to again over-romanticize the concept, the Coal Miner and the Farmer joined together on the West Virginia State Seal.
Without further comment, the excerpt, detailing how all components of non-food, woody biomass can be converted into liquid fuels, in a process that mirrors the liquefaction of coal while providing a route of Carbon Dioxide recycling, follows.
"Chemical breakthrough turns sawdust into biofuel

A wider of range of plant material could be turned into biofuels thanks to a breakthrough that converts plant molecules called lignin into liquid hydrocarbons.

The reaction reliably and efficiently turns the lignin in waste products such as sawdust into the chemical precursors of ethanol and biodiesel.

A second generation of biofuels could relieve the pressure on crop production by breaking down larger plant molecules - hundreds of millions of dollars are currently being poured into research to lower the cost of producing ethanol from cellulose.

But cellulose makes up only about a third of all plant matter. Lignin, an essential component of wood, is another important component and converting this to liquid transport fuel would increase yields.

Efficient process

"For the first time, we have produced alkanes, the main component of gasoline and diesel, from lignin, and biomethanol becomes available," says Yan.

"A large percentage of the starting material is converted into useful products," he adds. "But this work is still in its infancy so other aspects related to economic issue will be evaluated in the near future."

A wider of range of plant material could be turned into biofuels thanks to a breakthrough that converts plant molecules called lignin into liquid hydrocarbons.

The reaction reliably and efficiently turns the lignin in waste products such as sawdust into the chemical precursors of ethanol and biodiesel.

In recent years, the twin threats of global warming and oil shortages have led to growth in the production of biofuels for the transportation sector.

But as the human digestive system will attest, breaking down complex plant molecules such as cellulose and lignin is a tricky business.

Food crisis

The biofuels industry has relied instead on starchy food crops such as corn and sugar cane to provide the feedstock for their reactions. But that puts the industry into direct competition with hungry humans, and food prices have risen as a result.

A second generation of biofuels could relieve the pressure on crop production by breaking down larger plant molecules - hundreds of millions of dollars are currently being poured into research to lower the cost of producing ethanol from cellulose.

But cellulose makes up only about a third of all plant matter. Lignin, an essential component of wood, is another important component and converting this to liquid transport fuel would increase yields.

However, lignin is a complex molecule and, with current methods, breaks down in an unpredictable way into a wide range of products, only some of which can be used in biofuels.

Balancing act

Now Yuan Kou at Peking University in Beijing, China, and his team have come up with a lignin breakdown reaction that more reliably produces the alkanes and alcohols needed for biofuels.

Lignin contains carbon-oxygen-carbon bonds that link together smaller hydrocarbon chains. Breaking down those C-O-C bonds is key to unlocking the smaller hydrocarbons, which can then be further treated to produce alkanes and alcohol.

But there are also C-O-C bonds within the smaller hydrocarbons which are essential for alcohol production and must be kept intact. Breaking down the C-O-C bonds between chains, while leaving those within chains undamaged, is a difficult balancing act.

In hot water

Kou's team used their previous experience with selectively breaking C-O-C bonds to identify hot, pressurised water - known as near-critical water - as the best solvent for the reaction.

Water becomes near-critical when heated to around 250 to 300 °C and held at high pressures of around 7000 kilopascals. Under those conditions, and in the presence of a suitable catalyst and hydrogen gas, it reliably breaks down lignin into smaller hydrocarbon units called monomers and dimers.

The researchers experimented with different catalysts and organic additives to optimise the reaction. They found that the combination of a platinum-carbon catalyst and organic additives such as dioxane delivered high yields of both monomers and dimers.

Under ideal conditions, it is theoretically possible to produce monomers and dimers in yields of 44 to 56 weight % (wt%) and 28-29 wt% respectively. Weight % is the fraction of the solution's weight that is composed of either monomers or dimers.

Easy extraction

Impressively, the researchers' practical yields approached those theoretical ideals. They produced monomer yields of 45 wt% and dimer yields of 12 wt% - about twice what has previously been achieved.

Removing the hydrocarbons from the water solvent after the reaction is easy - simply by cooling the water again, the oily hydrocarbons automatically separate from the water.

It is then relatively simple to convert those monomers and dimers into useful products, says Ning Yan at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, and a member of Kou's team.

That results in three components: alkanes with eight or nine carbon atoms suitable for gasoline, alkanes with 12 to 18 carbons for use in diesel, and methanol.

Efficient process

"For the first time, we have produced alkanes, the main component of gasoline and diesel, from lignin, and biomethanol becomes available," says Yan.

"A large percentage of the starting material is converted into useful products," he adds. "But this work is still in its infancy so other aspects related to economic issue will be evaluated in the near future."

John Ralph at the University of Wisconsin in Madison thinks the work is exciting. He points out that there have been previous attempts to convert lignin into liquid fuels. "That said, the yields of monomers [in the new reaction] are striking," he says.

Richard Murphy at Imperial College London, UK, is also impressed with Kou's work. "I believe that approaches such as this will go a considerable way to help us extract valuable molecules including fuels from all components of lignocellulose," he says."

More Illinois Coal Conversion

Following up on our report of a coal conversion plant being commissioned in Illinois, herein is a very recent news release on the subject by Pratt & Whitney, the owners of the technology's developers, as per the original technical report we posted to you, from the 1980's, Rockwell/Rocketdyne.
This new plant utilizes technology that improves the efficiency of coal conversion by a significant amount, as noted in the text and in our appended comment.
The excerpt: 

"Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Answers Call for Clean-Coal Technology with Commissioning of Compact Gasification Pilot Plant

Thu Nov 5, 2009 4:00pm EST
Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Answers Call for Clean-Coal Technology with Commissioning of Compact Gasification Pilot Plant

CANOGA PARK, Calif., Nov. 5 /PRNewswire/ -- Responding to the nation's need for affordable clean-coal technology, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne today celebrated the commissioning of a compact gasification pilot plant in Illinois designed to help lower energy costs, provide a clean alternative fuel source and strengthen U.S. energy security.  The pilot plant is the first step toward
global commercialization of the innovative technology.  Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne is a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX) company.

The commissioning was held at the Gas Technology Institute in Des Plaines, Ill., where the pilot plant for the compact gasifier is located.  Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne has teamed with ExxonMobil Research and Engineering (EMRE), Zero Emission Energy Plants, Ltd. (ZEEP), the Alberta Energy Research Institute (AERI) and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
Opportunity (DCEO) to develop and commercialize compact gasification, a higher efficiency and lower cost alternative to current gasification systems.

"The Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne gasifier provides a 90 percent decrease in size compared to competing systems, thereby enabling higher efficiency, and as much as a 25 percent reduction in cost with enhanced reliability," said Jim Maser, president, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne.  "We look forward to leveraging Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's 50 years of engineering experience and working together with our teams in this initiative to reduce cost and improve performance of gasification plants worldwide."

Gasification is a process that converts carbon-containing material such as coal or biomass into synthesis gas (syngas).  Syngas can be burned to produce electricity or further processed to manufacture chemicals, fertilizers, liquid transportation fuels, synthetic natural gas or hydrogen.

The capital cost to build a commercial-scale compact gasification plant using Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's technology is estimated to be 20 percent less than conventional gasification plants.  Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne's compact gasifier is also expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 10 percent compared to standard gasification technologies.  EMRE is sharing
development cost and collaborating with Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne to develop, demonstrate and license the technology.

Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Inc., a part of Pratt & Whitney, is a preferred provider of high-value propulsion, power, energy and innovative system solutions used in a wide variety of government and commercial applications, including the main engines for the space shuttle, Atlas and Delta launch vehicles, missile defense systems and advanced hypersonic engines.

Pratt & Whitney is a world leader in the design, manufacture and service of aircraft engines, space propulsion systems and industrial gas turbines. United Technologies, based in Hartford, Conn., is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the global aerospace and commercial building industries.

SOURCE  Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne"
Note the extraordinary "90 percent" decrease in size, and associated "25 percent" reduction in cost for a plant that, with coal as the raw material, will "provide a clean alternative fuel source and strengthen U.S. energy security" by generating syngas,  from coal, which "can be ... processed to manufacture chemicals, fertilizers, liquid transportation fuels, synthetic natural gas or hydrogen".

Carbon-Neutral Fuel from CO2

Prosecuting our thesis that Carbon Dioxide is a valuable by-product of our coal-use industries, which can be captured and transformed into valuable chemicals and even more liquid fuel, we submit yet another technical presentation, which, we believe, hasn't even been presented yet.
The enclosed report is on the agenda for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, to be held November 8 through the 13, 2009, in Nashville, Tennessee.
Comment follows the somewhat lengthy excerpt and reference list, which includes the Korean work: Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability, about which we've earlier reported:

"Carbon-Neutral Transportation Fuels From off-Peak Wind and CO2

David Doty, Doty Scientific, Columbia, SC
Glenn N Doty, Doty Scientific, Columbia, SC
Laura L Holte, Doty Scientific, Columbia, SC

Use of excess off-peak electrical energy to synthesize standard liquid fuels, such as gasoline and jet fuel, could simultaneously address grid stability, domestic oil limitations, climate change, and economic recovery. Simulations have shown that practical innovations should make it possible to reduce CO2 to CO at over 90% of theoretical efficiency limits (under 1.55 MJ/kg-CO). When combined with our other simulated process advances, it should then be possible to synthesize all hydrocarbons and alcohols from point-source CO2 and off-peak wind energy by using currently available catalysts at system efficiencies in the range of 53-61%. Off-peak grid energy averaged under $15/MWhr in the MISO hub in the first four months of 2009. (For reference, the cost of energy in gasoline at $3.60/gal is $100/MWhr.) At such prices, synthesized standard liquid fuels (dubbed "WindFuels") could compete even when petroleum is only $45/bbl. There are sufficient amounts of domestic wind resources and point-source CO2 to produce more than twice our current total transportation fuel usage.

A better alternative for future transportation fuels is needed than those that have previously been advocated - such as biofuels, hydrogen, and methane. When land-use change is properly considered, most biofuels are seen to be only 5% to 20% carbon neutral; and hydrogen has daunting cost challenges with respect to distribution, storage, and end use. It is in our economic and security interests to produce carbon-neutral transportation fuels domestically at the scale of hundreds of billions of gallons annually.

It has long been known that it should theoretically be possible to convert CO2 and water into standard liquid hydrocarbon and alcohol fuels at high efficiency. The problem has been that prior proposals for doing this conversion have had efficiencies of only 25% to 35% for preferred fuels. That is, the chemical energy in the standard liquid fuels produced (gasoline, ethanol, diesel, etc.) would be about 30% of the input energy required. Our work shows that nearly a factor-of-two gain in efficiency should be possible.

Doty Energy is developing novel processes that will allow the production of fully carbon-neutral standard fuels and plastics from waste CO2 and off-peak wind or other low-carbon energy at high efficiency and at prices that should soon be competitive with fossil-derived products. Converting CO2 into fuels can eliminate the need for CO2 sequestration and reduce global CO2 emissions by 40%.

The combination of the major technical advances we have simulated over the past two years should permit conversion of CO2 to fuels to be done at up to 60% efficiency, which is about twice what was expected by most researchers just three years ago. When the input energy is from off-peak wind or nuclear and reasonable consideration is included for climate benefit, WindFuels will sometimes compete even when petroleum is $45/bbl; and most experts are predicting oil will stay over $140/bbl after 2014. Our analysis shows windfuels production per gross land area in good wind regions should exceed biofuels production density in productive farming areas by factors of 4 to 20. Moreover, 99.9% of the land required for the wind farms is generally available for dual use. Switching 70% of global transportation fuels from petroleum to WindFuels should be possible over the next 35 years. The scale-up challenges do not appear to be significantly greater from a technical perspective than similar fuel-synthesis challenges addressed successfully by Germany during WWII.

The WindFuels production system (disclosed in detail in pending patents) will be presented. It is based largely on the commercially proven technologies of wind energy, water electrolysis, and Fischer Tropsch (FT) chemistry. Wind energy is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Some of the hydrogen is used in a process, the so-called reverse water gas shift (RWGS) reaction, that reduces CO2 to carbon monoxide (CO) and water. The CO and the balance of the hydrogen are fed into an FT reactor similar to that commonly used to produce fuels and chemicals from coal or natural gas.

The biggest part of the increase in our projected efficiency comes from improved separations processes in the fully recycled FT loop. Conventional processes for separation of CO2 from the other syngas components have typically required over 6 MJ/kg of CO2. Our simulations indicate a high-pressure cryogenic process can achieve sufficient separation in the FT recycle loop (under 15 molar-%) at under 0.8 MJ/kg. We call the design "full recycle" because essentially all the unreacted H2 and CO are recycled without expansion in the separations processes. To our knowledge, nothing close to full recycle in FTS has been done before. The primary reason it has not been implemented with fossil- or biomass-based FTS is that there is insufficient control flexibility in the H2/CO ratio in the syngas coming from a reforming process to compensate for the variability that will be seen from changes in the water-gas-shift reaction in the FT reactor. Maintaining the desired H2/CO ratio in an RFTS process, on the other hand, is a non-issue, as one has complete and independent control over both the H2 and the CO feed rates in the new syngas.

The next largest gain is expected from an order-of-magnitude advance in cost-effectiveness of gas-to-gas recuperation, which is expected to make 97% effectiveness practical where 75% was previously practical. The third largest gain may be from an optimized RWGS process which promises over 90% efficiency (implying under 1.55 MJ per kg of CO) compared to about 50% for prior demonstrations (about 2.8 MJ/kg-CO). Another significant gain comes from a novel thermodynamic cycle for conversion of the waste heat from the electrolyzer and the FT reactor. A novel approach to RFTS system integration and optimization leads to additional efficiency gains. All the processes have been simulated in detail, and key experiments will soon be carried out to help optimize process conditions.

Windfuels are truly sustainable. The needed CO2 would come from biofuels refineries, ammonia plants, cement factories, ore refining, coal power plants, and other point sources. The water requirements are an order of magnitude less than for biofuels, and the wind will always blow. Windfuels will be over 85% carbon neutral and will flow seamlessly within our current infrastructure.


1. Searchinger et al, "Use of U.S. Croplands for Biofuels...", Sci. 319, 1238-1240, 2008.

2. GN Doty, FD Doty, LL Holte, D McCree, S Shevgoor, "...Recycling CO2 into Transportation Fuels - Driving the Off-peak Wind Market", Proceed. WindPower 2009, paper 175, Chicago, 2009.

3. FD Doty, "Hydrocarbon and Alcohol Fuels from Variable, Renewable Energy...," PCT WO 2008/115933, filed 3/2007, http://windfuels.com/PDFs/WO2008115933.pdf.

4. D. Charles, "Corn-Based Ethanol Flunks Key Test", Science 324, p 587, 1 May 2009.

5. SE Park, JS Chang, KW Lee editors, Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 153"; OS Joo, KD Jung and J Yonsoo, "CAMERE Process for methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation", pp 67-72, Elsevier, 2004.

6. Mark Z Jacobson, "Review of Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollutions, and Energy Security", Energy Environ. Sci., 2009.

7. P.L. Spath, D.C. Dayton, (NREL/TP-510-34929, 2003).

8. O.S. Joo, K.D. Jung J. Yonsoo in. Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 153, S.E. Park, J.S. Chang, K.W. Lee, Eds., pp 67-72, Elsevier, 2004.

9. M Xiang, D Li, H Qi, W Li, B Zhong, Y Sun, "Mixed alcohols synthesis from CO hydrogenation over K-promoted ƒ"-Mo2C catalysts", Fuel 86, 1298-1303, 2007.

10. R. Zubrin, B. Frankie, T. Kito, AIAA 97-2767, (1997).

11. S Phillips, A Aden, J Jechura, and D Dayton, "Thermochemical Ethanol via Indirect Gasification and Mixed Alcohol Synthesis...", NREL/TP-510-41168, 2007.

12. FD Doty and S Shevgoor, "Compact, High-Effectiveness, Gas-to-gas Compound Recuperator with Liquid Intermediary (CRLI)", HT2009-88372, ASME Joint Conferences, San Francisco, 2009.

13. FD Doty and S Shevgoor, "A Dual-source Organic Rankine Cycle (DORC) ..." ES2009-90220, ASME Joint Conferences, San Francisco, 2009. "

We're amused by one statement: "an FT reactor similar to that commonly used to produce fuels and chemicals from coal or natural gas". "FT" refers to the Fischer-Tropsch coal-to-liquid process, and those kinds of reactors sure aren't common in West Virginia, or much of anywhere else in the US, are they?

And, we question the utility and practicality of the authors' contention that CO2 recycling could be accomplished with wind-generated power. Wind, water and photovoltaic power could, and should, be part of the equation; but, our guess is that we'll need to burn a little extra coal to get enough power to make all the liquid fuels we need. That's okay, though: We'll be generating more liquid fuel raw material as we do so.

Obama CoalTL Champion

We've berated you more than enough for your long-ago excursion of editorial fancy, prior to last year's  election, entitled "Obama No Friend Of Coal".
We just wanted to reaffirm our President's support of coal-to-liquid technology by submitting a piece from the New York Times, published back when our President was just an "Illinois Democrat".
Some excerpts:
"The technology to convert coal into liquid fuel is well-established, and the fuel can be used in conventional diesel cars and trucks, as well as jet engines, boats and ships. Industry executives contend that the fuels can compete against gasoline if oil prices are about $50 a barrel or higher."
(Oil closed Friday, November 6, 2009, at $77.43 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. - JtM)
"Representative Rick Boucher, a Virginia Democrat whose district is dominated by coal mining, is writing key sections of the House energy bill. In the Senate, champions of coal-to-liquid fuels include Barack Obama, the Illinois Democrat, and Jim Bunning of Kentucky and Larry Craig of Idaho, both Republicans."
In some recent submissions to the West Virginia Coal Association's R&D Blog, we documented for you the commissioning of a coal conversion plant in Illinois. It is where it is, in all likelihood, because of Obama, and his sponsorship, along with Kentucky's Sen. Bunning, of the "Coal-To-Liquid Fuel Promotion Act of 2006".
We just wondered: Do you, or does anyone else, know what the status of that Act is; or, what has been accomplished because of it? And, don't we now have any elected reps in West Virginia or Pennsylvania who might want to be insulted by the NY Times - by being referred to as a "champion of coal-to-liquid fuels"?
Perhaps as importantly, don't we have any journalists who might aspire to a winning a similar title?

PS: To document for you where our President stands on the issue of converting our abundant domestic coal into the liquid fuels we need, we submit the following quotes from President Obama. We believe the citations to be accurate. Note, especially, the President's statement: "We already have the technology to do this (coal-to-liquid - JtM) in a way that's both clean and efficient. What we've been lacking is the political will."
Again: "What we've been lacking is the political will." 
  • "We must continue down the path of reducing our reliance on foreign oil. Like corn to ethanol for gasoline engines, we also can make soybeans, animal fats, and coal into diesel. We have the technology, we have the interest, and we have the need. We just need the federal commitment... Creating a Renewable Diesel Standard will help alleviate diesel costs, create jobs, promote rural development, and help insulate our economy from oil shocks. And it will create new markets for Illinois soybeans and Illinois coal. We should pass this legislation immediately to take another concrete step towards energy independence." Statement from Obama's Senate office in November 2005, upon introducing legislation calling for a Renewable Diesel Standard that would require 2 billion gallons of diesel alternatives by the year 2015.[17]
  • "The people I meet in town hall meetings back home would rather fill their cars with fuel made from coal reserves in Southern Illinois than with fuel made from crude reserves in Saudi Arabia. We already have the technology to do this in a way that's both clean and efficient. What we've been lacking is the political will. This common sense, bipartisan legislation will greatly increase investment in coal-to-liquid fuel technology, which will create jobs and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. Illinois Basin Coal has more untapped energy potential than the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait combined. Instead of enriching the Saudis, we can use these reserves to bring a renaissance for Illinois coal." Statement by Obama on introducing S.3325, the "Coal-To-Liquid Fuel Promotion Act of 2006," with Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY), in June 2006. [18]
  • "Illinois basin coal has more untapped energy potential than the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait combined. Senator Obama believes it is crucial that we invest in technologies to use these resources to reduce our dependence on foreign oil." Statement by Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor, in January 2007.[19]
  • "Senator Obama supports research into all technologies to help solve our climate change and energy dependence problems, including shifting our energy use to renewable fuels and investing in technology that could make coal a clean-burning source of energy. However, unless and until this technology is perfected, Senator Obama will not support the development of any coal-to-liquid fuels unless they emit at least 20% less life-cycle carbon than conventional fuels. If an amendment is offered on the Senate floor that would provide incentives for - or mandate the use of - coal-to-liquid fuels without these environmental safeguards, Senator Obama will oppose the amendment." June 2007 email from Obama's Senate office to environmental groups, clarifying his position on coal-to-liquid fuels in light of the bill he co-sponsored with Senator Bunning.[20][21]
  • "Achieving energy independence and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions are two of the greatest challenges America faces. With the right technological innovations, coal has the potential to be a cleaner burning, domestic alternative to imported oil. However we are not there yet. The Bunning amendment would have been premature in requiring the production of billions of gallons of coal-to-liquids without providing strong environmental safeguards to ensure that this new fuel alleviates, not worsens, our climate crisis. The Tester amendment, on the other hand, gives us the tools to determine whether we can make coal into a clean fuel source. We cannot solve the climate crisis without addressing coal – which generates half of America's electricity... Moving forward, I believe we should only invest in coal-to-liquid fuels that burn at least 20 percent less lifecycle carbon emissions than conventional fuels. I also introduced a low-carbon fuel standard to mandate a 10 percent reduction in emissions for all vehicle fuels by 2020, with incentives for producers to make their fuels more efficient and to exceed that level, without prejudging which fuel will turn out to be the best for our environment and our economy." Statement released by Senate Office of Obama regarding the Coal-to-Liquids bill under consideration by Congress, in June 2007.[22]
Even though the President is always careful to express caveats about climate issues and Carbon Dioxide emissions, he might not yet know that his Department of Defense has, as we've documented, through proxies, patented the technologies that will allow us to capture Carbon Dioxide and recycle it into even more liquid fuels, and valuable raw materials for our chemicals and plastics manufacturing industries.
Perhaps someone should tell him. 
Oh, and don't forget that the state where Obama was just another "Democrat", Illinois, is now home to the Rocketdyne coal conversion facility, in Des Plaines, we recently documented for you.

CO2 & Sustainability

We've sent you links to several complete books detailing some of the technologies that exist to convert abundant coal into the liquid fuels we seem to grow increasingly short of.
We've also documented the very real technologies that are available, including some developed by our own, US, Department of Defense, to recycle the Carbon Dioxide by-product of our coal use into even more liquid fuels, and useful industrial chemicals. Other reports we've brought to your attention have revealed how CO2 can be used to synthesize raw materials for the manufacture of valuable plastics.
Herein is a book on that subject.
We can't, as with some of the coal-to-liquid conversion texts we've provided, connect you with the complete work. However, the link will provide ordering information for those interested, and following are some excerpts, and the revealing table of contents, with additional comment appended:
"Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization, Seoul, Korea, October 12-16 2003

Addressing global environmental problems, such as global warming is essential to global sustainability. Continued research leads to advancement in standard methods and produces new data. Carbon Dioxide Utilization for Global Sustainability: Proceedings of the 7th ICCDU (International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilization) reflects the most recent research results, as well as stimulating scientific discussions with new challenges in advancing the development of carbon dioxide utilization. Drawing on a wealth of information, this well structured book will benefit students, researchers and consultants looking to catch up on current developments in environmental and chemical engineering. Provides comprehensive data on CO2 utilisation.  

Table of Contents 

  Heterogeneous catalytic reactions with CO2 : status and perspectives 1
  Chemicals from CO2 via heterogeneous catalysis at moderate conditions 9
  Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels and CO2 utilization 17
  Design of copper based hybrid catalysts for CO2 hydrogenation 25
  Plasma enhanced preparation of highly dispersed Ni/Al2O3 catalyst for CO2 reforming of methane 33
  Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate by transesterification over CaO/carbon solid base catalysts 41
  The synthesis of clean fuels by F-T reaction from CO2 rich biosyngas 47
  Reduction of carbon dioxide using metal powders 55
  Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 to methanol over Pd/ZnO : metalsupport interaction 61
  CAMERE process for methanol synthesis from CO2 hydrogenation 67
  Product distribution analysis for catalytic reduction of CO2 in a bench scale fixed bed reactor 73
  Process evaluation of biomass to liquid fuel production system with gasification and liquid fuel synthesis 79
  Novel catalysts for gasification of biomass with high energy efficiency 85
  Improving carbon utilization in biomass conversion to synthetic hydrocarbons via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis 91
  Fischer-Tropsch synthesis with CO2-containing syngas from biomass - kinetic analysis of fixed bed reactor model experiments 97
  Hydrogen production from woody biomass by novel gasification using CO2 sorbent 103
  A feasibility study of synthesis of oxygenates directly from methane and carbon dioxide using dielectric-barrier discharges 109
  Synthesis gas production from CO2 and H2O with nonthermal plasma 119
  CO2 reduction by blast furnace top gas recycling combined with waste hydrocarbon gasification 125
  Microwave-assisted reactions of oxiranes with carbon dioxide in ionic liquids 131
  CO2 reforming of n-heptane on a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst 137
  Hexaaluminate catalysts of the novel process of syngas production through catalytic oxidation and steam-CO2 reforming of methane 141
  Redox behavior of Cu-ferrite for CO2 decomposition 145
  CO2 reforming by CH4 over Ni-YSZ modified catalysts 149
  The interaction between CO2 and CH4 on Ru-Co-catalysts 153
  Selective formation of light olefins by the cracking of heavy naphtha over acid catalysts 157
  Effect of additives and a preparation method on catalytic activity of Cu/ZnO/ZrO2 system in the carbon dioxide hydrogenation to methanol 161
  Selective formation of ethylene carbonate from ethylene glycol and carbon dioxide over CeO2-ZrO2 solid solution catalysts 165
  Effects of palladium particle size in hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol over Pd/ZnO catalysts 169
  Ga, Mn and Mg promoted copper/zinc/zirconia - catalysts for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to methanol 173
  Catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to light olefins in a fluidized bed reactor 177
  Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from CH3 and CO2 with CeZrO2 catalysts 181
  The effect of catalyst pore structure change into the selectivity and conversion of CO2 hydrogenation over Fe-KA2O3 185
  Tri-reforming of CH4 using CO2 for production of synthesis gas to dimethyl ether 189
  Carbon dioxide reduction technology with SOFC system 193
  Synthesis of dimethyl carbonate from urea and methanol over metal oxides 197
  Development of heterogeneous catalyst system for esterification of free fatty acid contained in used vegetable oil 201
  Investigation of synthesis gas production from natural gas and CO2 by microwave plasma technology 205
  CO2 hydrate kinetics in electrolyte solutions containing clay minerals 209
  New catalysts for the conversion of urea into carbamates and carbonates with C1 and C2 alcohols 213
  Group 5 (V, Nb and Ta) element-alkoxides as catalysts in the trans-esterification of ethylene-carbonate with methanol, ethanol and allyl alcohol 221
  Hydroformylation with carbon dioxide using ionic liquid media 227
  Ionic liquid-derived imidazolium metal halides for the coupling reaction of ethylene oxide and CO2 233
  Aliphatic polycarbonate synthesis by alternating copolymerization of carbon dioxide with cyclohexene oxide using heterogeneous zinc complex 239
  Alternating copolymerization of carbon dioxide and epoxide aluminum Schiff base complex - quartenary ammonium salt systems as novel initiators 243
  Alternating copolymerization of carbon dioxide and epoxide the first example of polycarbonate synthesis from l-atm carbon dioxide by manganese porphyrin 247
  Semifluorinated block copolymer surfactants for water-in-CO2 microemulsions 251
  Aliphatic polycarbonate synthesis by alternating copolymerization of carbon dioxide with cyclohexene oxide using [beta]-diiminate zinc complex 255
  Synthesis of poly(DOMA-co-AN) by addition of carbon dioxide to poly(GMA-co-AN) and the miscibility behavior of its blends with PEI 259
  Half-sandwich complexes with dihydroxy polypyridine : water-soluble, highly efficient catalysts for hydrogenation of bicarbonate attributable to electron-donating ability of oxyanion on catalyst ligand 263
  Synthesis of propylene carbonate from carbon dioxide and propylene oxide using ionic liquids 267
  Spectroscopic characterization of intermediates in CO2 reduction with rhenium photocatalysts 271
  Electrochemical reduction of CO2 at alloy electrode in methanol 277
  Photoactivation of Ti centers in mesoporous silicate sieve under visible and UV light 283
  Photocatalytic reduction of CO with H2O on Ti-containing mesoporous silica hydrophobically modified using fluoride ions 289
  Effect of CO2 concentration on growth and photosynthesis of spirulina platensis 295
  High performance photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with H2O by TiSBA-15 mesoporous material 299
  New CO2 chemistry - recent advances in utilizing CO2 as an oxidant and current understanding on its role 303
  Tri-reforming of methane over Ni catalysts for CO2 conversion to syngas with desired H2/CO ratios using flue gas of power plants without CO2 separation 315
  CO2 dehydrogenation of propane over Cr-MCM-41 catalyst 323
  CO2 reforming of n-heptane on a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst 329
  Dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene over promoted vanadium oxide catalyst with carbon dioxide : from laboratory to bench-scale test 333
  Oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane with carbon dioxide over supported chromium oxide catalysts 339
  Oxidehydrogenation of ethane with CO2 over transition metal doped MCM-41 mesoporous catalysts 343
  Selective formation of styrene via oxidative dehydrogenation of 4-vinylcyclohexene over ZrO2- supported iron oxide catalysts 347
  Catalytic transformation of cyclohexanol over mixed metal oxides with and without CO2 351
  The utility of carbon dioxide in homogeneously-catalyzed organic synthesis 355
  Aldol reactions of propanal using MgO catalyst in supercritical CO2 363
  Critical point and phase envelope calculations - some practical aspects based on CO2-mixtures 369
  Evaluation of sequestrable carbon dioxide in Japanese coal samples at sub-critical and supercritical conditions 375
  Synthesis and characterization of poly(styrene-co-butyl acrylate) and poly(styrene-co-butyl methacrylate) in supercritical carbon dioxide 381
  Phenol hydrogenation over supported metal catalysts under supercritical carbon dioxide 385
  Synthesis of various block copolymers containing poly-lactide) in supercritical carbon dioxide 389
  Vapour pressure of CO2 as well as phase envelopes and critical points for CO2 and CH4 mixtures calculated by aspen plus and flowbat simulation software 393
  CO2 recovery pilot plant 397
  A 2-stage PSA process for the recovery of CO2 from flue gas and its power consumption 405
  Novel nanoporous "molecular basket" adsorbent for CO2 capture 411
  Reversible adsorption of carbon dioxide on amine-modified SBA-15 from flue gas containing water vapor 417
Looks like a pretty complete treatment of the subject of CO2 recycling and utilization, doesn't it? And, it sounds a lot better than "tax, tax, tax the CO2", through Cap&Trade; or, "let's hold the coal users at gunpoint and force them to pay for Big Oil to scrub his petroleum reservoirs for a few last drops", through enforced sequestration, doesn't it?
The Carbon Dioxide that arises from our coal use industries is a valuable raw material resource, not a pollutant.
As with most things in life, it all depends on how we look at it.