WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Studies in Coal/Waste Co-processing

We submit the enclosed link to the technical paper "Studies in Coal/Waste Co-processing at Hydrocarbon Research" only as further evidence of the development work, successful development work, that has been done in utilizing plastic and rubber wastes as hydrogen donors and co-reactants in coal liquefaction processes.
Our limited technical capacities do not allow us to make excerpts for you from this file format.
The company involved, HRI, was, as we've reported, the technical specialist in Kentucky's "H-Coal" coal liquefaction pilot plant operation. They are now a wholly-owned division, or subsidiary, of Utah's alternative fuel specialist, Headwaters.
In any case, the enclosed report details very successful batch operations wherein coal was converted, along with hydrogen-rich waste plastics, into petroleum-type liquids suitable for refining into commercial petroleum products.
Perhaps the one point that should be emphasized, yet again, amid all the technical clutter in this paper, is:
Coal can be successfully liquefied into petroleum substitutes, and that liquefaction can be achieved through a number of processes that are able to utilize both waste and renewable materials as beneficial and productive co-reactants.

More on Kentucky's H-Coal CTL Process

We've documented the H-Coal, coal-to-liquid, conversion plant that operated in Catlettsburg, Kentucky for too brief a time some decades ago.
Although Big Oil, as represented by Ashland and Mobil, were, somehow, for some reason, allowed to insinuate themselves into the H-Coal project's management and reportage, a few reports by one of the lead contractors, whose best interests weren't served by keeping quiet about successes, have leaked out.
Herein is one of them. Comment and an additional link follow the excerpt:
"Title: The H-Coal Process
Authors: Kang, C.C.; Kydd, P.H.
Authors Affiliation: Hydrocarbon Research, Inc., Trenton, NJ
Publication: University of Pittsburgh, Annual International Conference on Coal Gasification and Liquefaction, 3rd, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 3-5, 1976, Paper. 14 p. Research supported by the Electric Power Research Institute, Ashland Oil, Inc., Commonwealth of Kentucky, and ERDA
Abstract: The H-Coal Process pilot plant, located at Catlettsburg, Kentucky, is designed for two modes of operation: (1) to process 600 tons of coal per day to produce 1,820 barrels of fuel oil containing no more than 0.7 wt % sulfur from coal containing more than 3 wt % sulfur (fuel oil mode), and (2) to process 200 tons of coal per day to produce 705 barrels per day of synthetic crude (syncrude mode). Recent experimental results are discussed including catalyst attrition, and the syncrude mode with hydroclone recycle. Attention is also given to the solid-liquid separation system required for the fuel oil mode."
Interestingly, there is no longer an "HRI" in Trenton, NJ. However, they still seem to exist, but as "Hydrocarbon Technologies", a subsidiary of the Utah alternative energy company, Headwaters, whom we have mentioned previously in our posts.
Here's a link to their web site, with some, perhaps informative, excerpts:

"With leading positions in each of their markets, Headwaters operating companies discover and capitalize on opportunities for making more efficient use of our world’s natural resources – especially fossil fuels. Many opportunities can be found on the "coal value chain".

Headwaters Energy Services adds value to coal while protecting the environment by upgrading waste coal into marketable product, converting coal into liquid fuels, and utilizing waste heat from coal-fired power plants in the production of biofuel.
Headwaters Resources is America’s largest manager and marketer of coal combustion products, including fly ash. Utilization of these materials improves performance of building products while creating significant environmental benefits.
Headwaters Construction Materials is a market leader in designing, manufacturing and marketing architectural stone veneer under the Eldorado Stone brand and also holds regional market leadership positions in manufacturing and marketing concrete blocks and brick. HCM also developed innovative FlexCrete aerated concrete.
Headwaters Technology Innovations Group continues to develop and deploy a range of breakthrough technologies that improve natural resource utilization, including heavy oil upgrading and nanocatalyst applications."
Note that they promote not just "converting coal into liquid fuels", but some other coal use technologies we've addressed in our posts, as well, such as the utilization of "coal combustion products, including fly ash", which research at Georgia Tech we've alerted you to indicates could be the basis for high-strength, low-weight concrete replacement materials.
In any case, it's possible that the technology developed by the University of Kentucky in the Catlettsburg pilot H-Coal, coal liquefaction, plant wasn't entirely lost in the oily smoke screen generated by the lead contractors, Ashland and Mobil.

Auburn - CoalTL and Waste Plastic Synergies

ScienceDirect - Fuel Processing Technology : An economic study for the co-generation of liquid fuel and hydrogen from coal an.

We've previously reported on coal- and cellulose-to-liquid fuel conversion efforts at Auburn University, a member, with WVU, of the Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science.
Herein, Auburn researchers address the economic aspects of a potential we've also previously reported on: the co-conversion of coal combined with plastic wastes into liquid fuels.
As with other potential co-processing materials, such as cellulose and scrapped auto tires, some waste plastics could donate hydrogen to the reaction.
The excerpt:
"An economic study for the co-generation of liquid fuel and hydrogen from coal and municipal solid waste 

Anthony Warren and Mahmoud El-Halwagi

Chemical Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA

February 1996


The objective of this paper is to assess the technical and economic feasibility of a new process for co-liquefying coal and plastic wastes. This assessment is based on incorporating recent experimental data on plastic/coal liquefaction within a conceptual process framework. A preliminary design was developed for two process configurations. The primary difference between the configurations is the source of hydrogen (coal versus cellulosic waste). The assessment was based on co-liquefying 720 tons per day of plastic waste with an equivalent amount of coal on a weight basis. The plant products include hydrocarbon gases, naphtha, jet fuel and diesel fuel. Material and energy balances along with plant-wide simulation were conducted for the process. Furthermore, the data on plastic-waste availability, disposal and economics have been compiled. The results from the economic analysis identify profitability criteria for gross profit and thus return on investment based on variable conversion, yield and tipping fee for plastic waste processed."

Although the financial projections aren't revealed in the Abstract, the prospect of co-liquefaction is, at least, technically feasible. And, "cellulosic waste" is once again named as a hydrogen-donating raw material which could be processed with both plastic waste and coal; thus, perhaps, drawing down the costs even further; and, through making additional hydrogen available, rendering the process even more productive and efficient.

China - Waste Plastic Improves Coal Liquefaction

ScienceDirect - Chemical Engineering and Processing : Development of first-stage co-liquefaction of Chinese coal with waste p.
Confirming research we've reported from other nations, including our own, China has also discovered that the addition of waste plastics to coal, in a coal-to-liquid conversion process, enhances the productivity and improves the efficiency that process.
The excerpt, comment following: 
"Development of first-stage co-liquefaction of Chinese coal with waste plastics 

Li Wang and Peng Chen

Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, No. 17, Shenglizhuang Road, Jinan 250031, PR China

Beijing Research Institute of Coal Chemistry, China Coal Research Institute, Beijing 100013, PR China

May 2003.


Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS), etc. have been successfully converted to oil under typical direct liquefaction conditions with Chinese coal. A series of liquefaction experiments were run using ground coal and plastic waste, individually and in combination. Results on individual plastics showed that high density PE (HDPE) was by far the most difficult of the model plastics to convert, higher conversions could be obtained with higher temperatures. Co-liquefaction experiments were performed on coal–plastic mixtures (usually 1:1 mixtures) using a Chinese Xianfeng lignite with the fly ash of molybdenum concentrates calcined as catalyst. The oil yields except Xianfeng lignite–HDPE co-liquefaction were as high as 60.3–78.1%, while the total conversions reached levels of over 95%. Anyway, oil yields for Chinese coal–plastic co-liquefaction were higher, typically by 5.1–22.6%, than the average of the oil yields for the coal and plastic alone, hydrogen consumption was also reduced by 7.7–17.9%, implying synergistic effects in co-liquefaction reaction of Chinese coal and waste plastics (WP)."

Interesting, isn't it, that Chinese scientists can casually refer to "typical" coal "liquefaction conditions"? Our guess is that your average UMWA member, or WV citizen, wouldn't be so jaded as to find the concept so routine as to be "typical".

As with coal and cellulose co-liquefaction results we've earlier reported, "total conversions reached levels of over 95%" when coal was combined with certain waste plastics. And, "oil yields" for Chinese coal–plastic co-liquefaction were significantly higher "than the average of the oil yields for the coal and plastic alone".

Moreover, the need for supplemental hydrogen, presumably from a hydrogen-donor solvent, as in our previous posts regarding China's patent applications for what we believe to be a pirated version of the West Virginia Process for direct coal liquefaction, which uses such a solvent, most commonly referred to by it's abbreviated name, Tetralin, "was also reduced".

In any case, this research confirms earlier reports we've made, drawn from other sources. Waste plastic can donate hydrogen to a coal liquefaction process, and thereby reduce the need for supplemental hydrogen, increase oil yields by more than 20%, and, again, achieve "total conversions" into liquids of "over 95%".

By combining certain waste plastics with coal, nearly 100% of the total mass can be converted into liquid hydrocarbons.

Not bad.

US Senate Testimony

We submit this fairly recent testimony, presented three years ago to the United States Senate, by a US Department of Energy expert, concerning coal conversion technologies, and their reality; and, their importance to the security of the United States of America.
Comment follows these excerpts from the Statement of C. Lowell Miller, Director; Office of Sequestration, Hydrogen and Clean Coal Fuels; Office of Fossil Energy; before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; United States Senate; April 24, 2006:

The United States’ future economic security will remain linked to an efficient transportation system of air, rail, and highway vehicles that depend on a continuous supply of affordable liquid fuels with characteristics enabling vehicle manufacturers to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations.  In the current supply/demand situation, the Nation’s transportation fuel requirements are met in part by crude oil and refined products from unstable regions of the world.  Crude oil delivery and refining in the Untied States is concentrated in the Gulf Coast region, which presents concerns regarding destructive weather conditions.  Additional challenges, including urban and regional air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and the availability and cost of transportation fuels, present unique issues that must be addressed to safeguard economic growth, social stability and public health.
Technology is now in hand for producing synthetic oil, and oil products from coal.  Liquid fuels from coal are clean, refined products requiring little if any additional refinery processing, are fungible with petroleum products and, therefore, can use the existing fuels distribution and end-use infrastructure.  There are preliminary analyses [Mitretek Technical Report 2005-08, “A Technoeconomic Analysis of a Wyoming Located Coal-To-Liquids Plan”] that indicate synthetic oil costs may drop into the $35 per barrel range after several initial higher cost plants are built.  This estimate assumes near-zero atmospheric emissions of criteria pollutants, assumes reduced water use through air coolers instead of water cooling, and assumes carbon capture and sequestration.  However, no commercial U.S. plants have been built.  The primary barrier to commercial introduction of the technology has been the volatility and uncertainty of world oil prices.  The private sector financial markets are best positioned to evaluate whether, when, and how to build coal to liquids plants given this market uncertainty.

At present, no requirements exist in the United States to manage carbon emissions from fossil fuel sources.  However, in full recognition of the importance of carbon management an extensive research and development program is underway to develop technology, processes and systems to capture and store the carbon dioxide produced during the conversion process.  The carbon dioxide could be stored in deep saline formations or sold for use in enhanced oil recovery operations.  It is possible that CTL plant emissions and the emissions from utilization of CTL products would be comparable to those associated with the production and consumption of petroleum-based fuels.

The greatest market barrier for CTL is the volatility and uncertainty of future world oil prices. The private sector is best positioned to evaluate market or oil price risk and respond accordingly with an appropriate deployment strategy.
Although past department efforts and some Congressionally directed funding has focused on production of liquid fuels from coal, the FY 2007 Budget does not support these activities.  Coal to liquids is a mature technology receiving funding from the private sector for evolutionary advances and incremental improvements and therefore not consistent with the Administration’s Research and Development Investment Criteria.  Although the FY 2007 Budget does not directly support CTL technology, there are some overlapping activities directed at electricity and hydrogen generation that the private sector could apply to reducing production costs and technical risks, and improving environmental performance of coal to liquids plants.  The FY 2007 Budget supports production of hydrogen from coal and some funding will be used for development of liquids that while not applicable for conventional internal combustion engines because their hydrogen content is too high, could be an efficient way to move fuel for hydrogen applications through existing infrastructure.  The FY 2007 Budget promotes the goal of reducing dependence on foreign sources of oil through development of technologies consistent with the Research and Development Investment Criteria, such as cellulosic ethanol, battery technology, and hydrogen, among others.  Over the mid to long term, these technologies could reduce demand for conventional sources of petroleum and ease pressures on world oil prices.
The resource exists, current technology is available and it is possible that continued evolutionary R&D will produce advanced processes that will continue to modify the private sector’s analysis of whether the economic and environmental performance of the processes used in the implementation of a coal-to-liquids industry for the production of alternate fuels justify plant construction, in tandem with the primary consideration of petroleum market risk.
If economic, these fuels could contribute to reducing our dependence on oil imports and significantly contribute to the Nation’s energy security."

First: "Although past department efforts and some Congressionally directed funding has focused on production of liquid fuels from coal, the FY 2007 Budget does not support these activities."

Why? When and how will that gross inadequacy be corrected?

Second: "At present, no requirements exist in the United States to manage carbon emissions from fossil fuel sources.  However, in full recognition of the importance of carbon management an extensive research and development program is underway to develop technology, processes and systems to capture and store the carbon dioxide produced during the conversion process."

They are still genuflecting to carbon "storage" - in obeisant service to Big Oil's scavenging efforts. Why - when the Department of Defense has patented technologies to capture Carbon Dioxide and recycle it into liquid fuels; and, when NASA is using Nobel Prize-winning technology to recycle it aboard the International Space Station - all as we have thoroughly documented; and, all in addition to the carbon-recycling potentials, also thoroughly documented, of liquefying botanical cellulose as a co-fed raw material, with coal, in an appropriate liquefaction process - of which, there are several?

Third: "The greatest market barrier for CTL is the volatility and uncertainty of future world oil prices."

Where, in the world, is there "uncertainty of future world oil prices"? Everyone, in the world, is pretty darned certain they will continue to do what they have always done: GO UP.

Finally, we already know that coal-derived liquid fuels are "economic" - the author's word. South Africa has demonstrated that fact for many decades. China is convinced. So, why don't we cut the BS and just let our coal people put our coal to work, and thereby reduce our "dependence on oil imports and significantly contribute to the Nation’s energy security"?

Does it just make too much sense? Is it too obvious? Or, as other evidence we've cited indicates, have some pretty slick Big Operators managed somehow to hide the facts from those of us who most deserve to know?