WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

More Pollution Solutions

One potential environmental contaminant produced by both coal coking and indirect coal-to-liquid conversion processes is a class of organic chemicals referred to generically as phenols, or, just "Phenol".
Phenol is present in wastes left behind by older, unregulated coke works, and is among the contaminants that are addressed by cleanup plans and efforts at those sites.
Like the other coal-use "pollutants" we have addressed in our dispatches, Phenol did not have to be, and does not have to be, simply "dumped", or disposed of. It does have industrial uses, such as raw material for some types of epoxy, and other useful, resins.
It's value, in fact, was recognized early in the last century, and some efforts were applied towards recovering it from coal processing installations. As in:

Robert M. Crawford; Ind. Eng. Chem., 1927, 19 (9), pp 966–968

Publication Date: September 1927
Abstract available only through the link."
Keep in mind that coke plant liquid effluents would be similar to those potentially generated by a coal-to-liquid facility employing indirect processes of coal conversion.
However, even though Phenol can be used in industry, it's inherent value and it's concentrations in coal processing effluents are both low enough that most efforts have been directed towards it's straightforward destruction and elimination from the environment. Such Phenol elimination, it seems, can be readily and efficiently accomplished by a wide variety of micro-organisms. That fact has been realized, basically, around the word, as the following references attest: 

EL-SAYED Wael S. ; IBRAHIM Mohamed K.; ABU-SHADY Mohamed; EL-BEIH Fawkia; OHMURA Naoya; SAIKI Hiroshi; ANDO Akikazu  

Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, EGYPTE
Department of Bio-Science, Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, 1646 Abiko, Abiko-city, Chiba 270-1194, JAPON
Department of Science and Technology, Chiba University, 648 Matsudo, Chiba 271-8510, JAPON


New phenol degrading bacteria with high biodegradation activity and high tolerance were isolated as Burkholderia cepacia PW3 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa AT2. Both isolates could grow aerobically on phenol as a sole carbon source even at 3 g/l. The whole-cell kinetic properties for phenol degradation by strains PW3 and AT2 showed a Vmax of 0.321 and 0.253 mg/l/min/(mg protein), respectively. "
Yong Lu, Lianhe Yan, Ying Wang, Shenfan Zhou, Jiajun Fu and Jianfa Zhang

School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing 210094, PR China


A white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, immobilized with the wood chips of Italian poplar, was employed for biodegradation of phenolic compounds in coking wastewater. The immobilized fungus, dried by vacuum freeze desiccator, was kept high activity after a 9-month preservation and easy to be activated and domesticated. The removal rates of phenolic compounds and COD by immobilized fungus were 87.05% and 72.09% in 6 days, which were obviously higher than that by free fungus. For phenolic compounds biodegradation, a pH ranging from 4.0 to 6.0 and a temperature ranging from 28 °C to 37 °C create suitable conditions, and optimum 5.0 and 35 °C, respectively. The optimum removal rate of phenolic compounds was over 84% and COD was 80% in 3 days. And the biodegradation of phenolic compounds followed the first-order kinetics. It is an efficient and convenient method for coking wastewater treatment."


Increasing the purification ability of a tank for the biochemical purification of phenol waters and flushing liquors
Prokof'ev, V.I. and Kharitonova, N.D,
Moscow Metallurgical Works
Coke Journal, USSR, 1984
A biochemical device for purifying flushing liquors and phenol water in operation since 1980 at the by-product coke industry of the Moscow Metallurgical Works is described. Two-stage biochemical purification is realized when water from the recovery house, which goes through mechanical cleaning, is directed into a neutralizer and then into 10 stage-I air tanks where decomposition of the phenols takes place by means of phenol-disintegrating bacteria. The purified water is supplied to a sludge neutralizer. The removal of phenols and rhodanides is ensured up to a concentration of less than or equal to mg/1 and less than or equal to 1 mg/1, respectively."
Even though Phenol emissions can thus be effectively eliminated using "Green" technology, our primary interest is in finding ways in which coal use by-products can be harvested and employed, or recycled. Towards that end, the Indians, perhaps, have presented the most elegant, esthetically-pleasing solution, as follows:
Application and use of water hyacinth for phenol removal and biogas production.
Vaidyanathan, S. - Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 1985
Against the background of grave industrial pollution its high cost conventional treatments and energy shortage, different researches, during the past one decade, carried out, extensive exploratory research and began investigating the potential of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) as a low cost biological system for waste water treatment and for renewable sources of energy. After reviewing the literature available on water hyacinth, research work is planned on the application of water hyacinth for removal of phenol in a continuous unit and use water hyacinth for production of biogas by anaerobic digestion in batch and continuous digesters."
So, we can produce bio-fuel from water hyacinths which consume the phenol by-product of coal processing facilities.  And, the hyacinths are lovely floating flowers, by the way. Does this mean that coal plants, by producing this water hyacinth nutrient, can help to beautify Walden Pond?

CoalTL and CO2 Synergy with Newsprint and Cellulose

We'll trust you recall our earlier dispatch converning work underway at West Virginia University, and reports made, by Stiller, Zondlo, et. al., on the liquefaction of agricultural wastes, as with coal, using the Hydrogen-donor solvent, key to the West Virginia Process of direct coal liquefaction, tetralin.
Other researchers, in China, especially, have indicated that sawdust, cellulose in general, could also be liquefied into the raw materials for liquid fuel synthesis using variations of the tetralin-based West Virginia Process.
We suggested such processes might make a suitable end to previously-loved Intel's and News-Register's.
Others among your readership might, we're certain, think tetralin dissolution to be a suitable end to them before they have had a chance to be loved.
Regardless, we have also reported on coal-to-liquid research underway at Southern Illinois University, and they, too, see both the value in using tetralin for coal liquefaction, and the potential for using it to convert cellulose, including newsprint, pre- or post-reading, into liquid fuels.
Comment follows the excerpt: 
"Liquefaction of newsprint and cellulose in tetralin under moderate reaction conditions"


 Southern Illinois Univ. Carbondale, Dep. Mechanical Eng. Energy Processes, Carbondale IL 62901


Liquefaction of newsprint and cellulose in tetralin at 350 °C and pressure of 1.07-2.51 MPa for 1 h resulted in their 37% and 40% by weight conversion to organic liquids, respectively. A significant amount of water was also formed. The gases produced consisted of mainly CH4 and CO. The total amount of gases produced was about 3-5% of the original amount of solid charged to the reactor. A first order kinetic model was proposed for the conversion of newsprint and cellulose. Rate constants and Arrhenius parameters were also calculated. Material balance for the process showed a good correlation between the carbon and oxygen contents of the reactant solid and products. Data indicate that most of the hydrogen supplied to the products is supplied by the solvent (tetralin)... ."
First, note that, in addition to organic liquids and water, a small percentage of raw material was converted into Methane and Carbon Monoxide - both reactive gases which themselves can be entrained in processes of liquid hydrocarbon synthesis.
Second, and perhaps more importantly, please make note of what should be obvious: The liquefaction of newsprint and cellulose into liquid fuel represents a recycling of Carbon Dioxide. And, it is a coal-to-liquid fuel technology - WVU's West Virginia coal-to-liquid Process -  that makes the CO2 recycling possible.
Theoretically, a coal-to-liquid conversion facility utilizing the West Virginia process to convert both coal and cellulose into liquid fuels could be "Carbon Neutral". By consuming enough botanically-derived cellulose, such as newsprint or sawdust, etc., in addition to coal, it might even be possible for such a dual-feed liquid fuel manufacturing facility to earn Carbon credits - which could then be sold to other emitters, such as cement kilns, to subsidize operations and increase CTL profitability.

More Coal / Bio to Liquid Synergy

We have reported on demonstrated technologies, wherein coal conversion and bio-fuel production could be combined in comprehensive and synergistic ways to provide both a domestic, US, source of renewable liquid fuels, and an inherent method of recycling Carbon Dioxide.
Much has been made, in the United States, of ethanol, derived from corn and other agricultural, renewable and carbon-consuming, sources as a pollution-reducing liquid fuel. Some gasoline vendors blend a small percentage of it into some of their products.
Ethanol alone isn't all that compatible with our current liquid fuel infrastructure, or automotive engine designs, and it really doesn't have the energy density to serve, unblended, as a satisfactory liquid transportation fuel.
It could, however, serve our liquid fuel needs in another way.
Coal that is converted into liquid fuels must be somehow enriched with Hydrogen to form liquid hydrocarbons similar to those that power our current transportation fleet.
A number of supplemental Hydrogen sources have been proposed, and utilized, over the many decades that coal has been converted into liquid transportation fuels: in wartime Germany and Japan, in contemporary South Africa, and in WVU's West Virginia CTL Process, for instance.
As it happens, renewable and CO2-recycling Ethanol can serve as the Hydrogen donor in coal conversion processes, as follows:


Iron/sulfur-catalyzed coal liquefaction in the presence of alcohol and carbon monoxide




Department of Energy and Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Japan


The activities of several iron-based catalyst precursors towards the liquefaction of various kinds of coals, ranging from brown to bituminous, were examined in alcohol-carbon monoxide systems. Pentacarbonyliron (Fe(CO)5) with or without sulfur, or synthetic pyrite were found to be excellent catalyst precursors. Primary alcohols (ethanol and 1-propanol)-CO acted as an effective hydrogen source, whereas branched alcohols were less effective. In the Fe(CO)5/sulfur catalyzed liquefaction of Yallourn coal at 375°C for 120 min, a high conversion (99.5%) was achieved in the presence of ethanol and CO (7.0 MPa/cold). The two-staged reaction (375°C, 60 min + 425°C, 60 min) further improved the oil yield to 59.1% with a slight decrease in the coal conversion. The uptake of alcohol into asphaltene and preasphaltene fractions was distinctly observed, especially for Illinois No. 6 coal. The infrared analyses of the asphaltene fractions from each coal showed absorption at around 1705 cm-', characteristic for those obtained in the linear alcohol-CO systems. According to the characterization of the products by NMR and the preliminary study using a model compound, alkylation as well as the hydrogenolysis seem to contribute to the dissolution of coals."
So, Ethanol provides needed Hydrogen and enables a nearly 100% conversion of coal, as in "a high conversion (99.5%) was achieved in the presence of ethanol", into liquid fuels compatible with our current transportation fleet, while helping to recycle Carbon Dioxide.

Coal and Plastics Conversion in Pittsburgh

We've told you about research in other places around the world into optimizing the process of converting our abundant coal into much-needed liquid fuels by combining coal with waste plastic as a raw material for the fuel-making process.
Such research has been conducted in the US, as well, and we present the enclosed report as evidence of that fact.
As in other reports we've submitted, it's important, we think, to note that these Pittsburgh, PA, researchers describe synergies realized by combining coal with waste plastics to synthesize liquid fuels.
The excerpt:
"Investigation of first stage liquefaction of coal with model plastic waste mixtures
Author(s): Rothenberger, K.S., et. al., Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center; 1995
As part of the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) Fossil Energy program, the Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center (PETC) recently initiated research in coal-waste coprocessing. Coal-waste coprocessing is conversion to liquid feedstocks of a combination of any or all of the following: coal, rubber, plastics, heavy oil, and waste oil. The current effort is on the combined processing of coal, waste oil, and plastics. One reason commonly cited for coprocessing of coal and plastic materials is the higher hydrogen-to-carbon ratio in most plastics as compared to coal, which is hydrogen deficient relative to the petroleum-like liquids desired as products. Furthermore, the free radicals which are present in coal and believed to be produced in the early stages of coal dissolution could aid in the breakdown of plastic polymers. In this study, screening tests have been conducted in microautoclave reactors, 1-L semi-batch stirred autoclave reactors, and a small-scale continuous unit. All tests employed Black Thunder subbituminous coal with plastic waste streams containing polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) in various combinations and proportions. The materials and conditions were chosen to be compatible with those being investigated by other participants in the USDOE Fossil Energy program, including the proof-of-concept (POC) scale plant at Hydrocarbon Research, Inc. (HRI) in Princeton, NJ. Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the coal-waste coprocessing initiative, many of the experiments reported here were designed to identify potential problem areas for scheduled runs on larger units rather than to systematically map out the chemistry involved with coliquefaction of coal and plastic materials. However, insights into both chemistry and operability of coal-waste coprocessing can be gained from the data."
We had earlier reported to you the existence of the HRI "proof-of-concept" plant in New Jersey, and remain alert for published results of the work performed there. However, like much else about coal-to-liquid research, and actual commercial operations, that are documented to have been undertaken in the United States, published results, for whatever reason, are difficult to find. We'll try to remain positive and refrain from offering distractive speculation as to why that might be. You can draw your own conclusions.
But, as in the other, international, research we've reported, this Pittsburgh study confirms: Coal and waste plastics can be converted together into liquid fuels, thus utilizing our most abundant natural resource to manufacture something we desperately need while consuming some persistent environmental pollutants at the same time.

Coal Conversion Cookbook

We have thoroughly documented for you the existence of very real technologies which could enable us to convert our abundant coal into much-needed liquid transportation fuels and raw materials for our chemical manufacturing industries.

We have verified our reports with published news stories and with technical articles presented in scientific journals.

Herein we send you a complete textbook on the subject.

We'll forego excerpting passages accessible through the enclosed links, and won't append following comments.

But, note: This text was published prior to WWII in Great Britain. It was authored by one of the German scientists who invented the coal-to-liquid fuel process which the Nazis, and their Japanese allies, employed, as we've thoroughly documented, to power a war machine that overran most of Europe and much of Asia, and battered England's United Kingdom to it's knees. If you have been following our posts, you will know that somewhat similar circumstances are now evolving, wherein Communist China, a nation really not all that friendly to us, is forging ahead with a massive coal-to-oil industrialization based on technology and technical assistance provided by the United States, and others. It seems they have been receiving much assistance and guidance from West Virginia University, as we've documented, who are helping the Chinese to commercialize what is known as "The West Virginia Process" for converting coal into liquid fuels.

As follows: 

The Conversion of Coal into Oils

by Dr. Franz Fischer

Authorized English Translation
with a Foreword and Notes
R. Lessing

London: Ernst Benn Limited
8 Bouverie Street, E.C.4

 Table of Contents

Section 1
Foreword i
Author's Preface ii
Contents v
List of Illustrations ix
List of Tables xi
Introduction 15
Section 2
I. Extraction by Solvents 20
  (a) The Yield of Oil by Extraction 20
  (b) Identification of Chemical Compounds in the Extracts 20
II. Production and Working-Up of Primary Tar 22
  (a) Methods of Destructive Distillation of Fuels 22
  (b) Special Laboratory Methods for the Production of Primary Tar 24
  (c) Yields of Primary Tar From Coal and Peat 25
  (d) Proximate Composition of Primary Tars 27
  (e) The Temperatures Required for the Production of Primary Tar 28
Section 3
  (f) Differentiation Between Various Primary Tars and Other Tars 30
  (g) The Chemical Compounds Found in Primary Tar and in Primary Benzines 38
  (h) The Liquor From Low-Temperature Carbonization 43
  (i) Composition and Application of Low-Temperature Carbonization Gas 43
Section 4
  (k) The Low-Temperature Benzine 46
  (l) The Position of Primary Tar Between Coke-Oven Tar and Petroleum 49
  (m) Semi-Coke 50
  (n) The Heat Balance of Low-Temperature Carbonization 56
  (o) The Development of Commercial Primary Tar Production 58
    1. Distillation Apparatus with External Heating 59
        Vertical Retorts 60
Section 5
        Horizontal Retorts 64
        Tunnel Kilns 68
        Rotary Retorts 71
        Retorts with Inner Lining 76
    2. Internal Heating 76
        Superheated Steam as Heating Agent 76
        Hot Producer Gas as Heating Medium 78
        Hot Coke-oven Gas as Heating Medium 79
        Carbonisation by means of Flue Gasses 80
Section 6
    3. Combined Apparatus 81
        Hot-Run Generators fitted with Carbonising Retorts 81
        Retorts Combined with Low-Temperature Producers 84
        Preliminary Carbonization of Furnace Fuel 87
  (p) The Influence of Retort Design Upon the Composition of Primary Tars and Gas Benzines 89
  (q) The Influence of Coal Drying on the Oil Recovery 91
  (r) Utilisation and Working-Up of Primary Tar 94
    1. Direct Utilisation of Primary Tar  94
    2. Working-Up of Primary Tar by Distillation 94
        Chemical Changes on Distillation 94
Section 7
        Working-up by Distillation at Ordinary Pressure 97
        Distillation at Ordinary Pressure and Chemical Treatment 99
        Working-up of Primary Tar by means of Superheated Steam and Chemical Treatment 100
        Working-up in a High Vacuum 104
    3. Separation and Utilisation of Phenols 106
        The Disadvantages of Phenols and their Corrosion of Metals 106
        The Utilisation of Phenols 108
        Methods of Separation of Phenols hitherto in Use 108
Section 8
        The Recovery of the Phenols by means of Superheated Water 110
Section 9
    4. The Reduction of Phenols of Primary Coal Tar to Benzol and Toluol 117
Section 10
    5. Benzine by Destructive Distillation of Primary Tar from Bituminous or Brown Coal 137
        Benzine by Cracking of Primary Tar at Ordinary Pressure 140
        Benzine by Cracking under Pressure 146
Section 11
        Benzine by the Burton Process 150
        Benzine by Cracking and Simultaneous Hydrogenation under High Pressure 151
    6. The Hydrogenation of Primary Tars, Tar Oils and Phenols 158
        With Catalysts 158
        Without Catalysts 159
    7. Summary of the Recovery of Light Motor Spirits From Primary Tars 160
    8. Purification of Primary Tar Oils by Oxidation Under Pressure 164
Section 12
    9. Formation of resins and Asphalt from Primary Tar by Oxidation under Pressure 166
    10. Fatty Acids from Crude Paraffin Wax by Oxidation under Pressure 166
  (s) Conversion of Low-Temperature Carbonisation Tar into Coke-oven Tar 166
  (t) Conversion of Brown Coal Tar into Aromatic Tar 169
  (u) Liquid Motor Fuels by Hydrogenation of Coal Tar, and Especially by Naphthalene 170
  (v) Importance of Primary Tar as Raw Material 173
Section 13
II. Hydrogenation of Coal 174
  (a) By Means of Hydriodic Acid Under Pressure According to Berthelot 174
  (b) Comparative Hydrogenation of Different Coals with Hydriodic 177
  (c) Hydrogenation by Means of Sodium Formate 179
Section 14
  (d) Hydrogenation by Means of Carbon Monoxide and Water 187
  (e) Hydrogenation with Sodium Carbonate and Hydrogen 195
  (f) Destructive Distillation of Bituminous Coal at Higher Hydrogen Pressures 197
  (g) Hydrogenation of Coal According to Bergius at High Hydrogen Pressure 198
Section 15
IV. Synthetic Processes 202
  (a) The Action of Electric Discharges 202
  (b) Catalytic Experiments at Ordinary Pressure 203
  (c) Liquid Hydrocarbons from Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Under Pressure 206
  (d) Alcohols and Formaldehyde from Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Under Pressure 210
  (e) Methyl Alcohol and Oils by Decomposition of Formates 211
Section 16
  (f) Synthol From Carbon Monoxide and Water Vapour Under Pressure 213
  (g) Catalytic Experiments in the Presence of Nitrogen 219
  (h) Catalytic Experiments with Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen under Pressure 221
  (i) Synthol from Water Gas Under Pressure 221
    1. On the Need of a Metallic Hydrogen Carrier in the Contact Material 221
    2. Influence of the Form and Length by the Contact Material 223
    3. Influence of Bases and their Quantity upon the Oil Yield 224
Section 17
    4. Experiments with Hydrogen Carriers other than Iron 227
    5. Influence of the Composition of Water Gas 229
    6. Influence of Impurities in Water Gas 232
    7. Influence of Temperature, Pressure and Gas Velocity 232
    8. Determination of Yields in the Circulation Apparatus 234
  (k) Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen in the Circulation Apparatus 240
  (l) Carbon Dioxide and Methane in the Circulation Apparatus 241
Section 18
  (m) Carbon Monoxide and Methane in the Circulation Apparatus 241
  (n) Examination of Products of Reaction 246
  (o) Road Tests of Synthol 248
  (p) Conversion of Synthol into Synthin 248
  (q) Formation of Petroleum from Water Gas 248
  (r) Attempt at an Explanation of the Synthol Process 250
Section 19
  (s) Industrial Applicability of the Synthol Process 255
V. Hydrocarbons from Carbides 258
  (a) Carbides which Directly Yield Liquid Hydrocarbons 258
  (b) Carbides Giving Hydrocarbons which can be Converted inot Liquids 261
Appendix (Editor's Notes) 263
  (a) Recent Developments in Low-Temperature Carbonisation 263
      Parker Plant 263
      Maclaurin 266
Section 20
  (b) Lessing Process for the Separation of Oils and Pitch from Tar 269
  (c) Hydrogenation of Coal in the Absence of Oil 271
Bibliography 274
Index 279