WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Japan to Recycle CO2

The amount of CO2 Mitsui Chemicals intend recycling, as related in the two reports enclosed, into valuable plastics manufacturing raw materials seems small, even miniscule when compared to the overall volume of CO2 emissions. But, the technology is real, as we've documented from other sources.
We can reclaim the Carbon Dioxide co-product of our coal-use industries and convert it into useful plastics, and even more liquid fuel.
As follows:
Mitsui Chemical Inc. of Japan has decided to begin construction of a pilot plant for continued development of producing methanol from industrial CO2 effluent and photocatalyst produced hydrogen. Due to build starting in October of 2008 with completion next February the plant is expected to go into use in March of 2010, the plant’s annual yield would work out to be the U.S. equivalent of over 33,000 gallons.
Mitsui Chemicals Inc. ("MCI") has decided to begin construction of a pilot facility which will be used to continue the company's efforts to develop a methanol synthetic process from CO2. MCI has been pushing forward the development of "Chemical immobilization of CO2", which synthesizes methanol later used in the production of olefins and aromatics, using the CO2 emitted from factories and hydrogen obtained from water photolysis."
Interestingly, the Japanese seem to propose obtaining the needed Hydrogen from, as we've earlier documented to be possible, water, by using solar energy, i.e., "photolysis". We know that Hydrogen can be obtained from water via electrolysis, but that requires electricity, which could be generated from renewable sources, such as hydroelectric, but might require the use of more coal for power generation. If sunlight can be captured effectively enough to accomplish the task, that would be yet another process efficiency wherein environmental energy can be harnessed to help clean up the environment.
Coal use doesn't generate pollutants, just valuable co-products that can be profitably reclaimed and employed by industry.

Coal & Muni Waste to Liquids - Auburn

An economic study for the co-generation of liquid fuel and hydrogen from coal and municipal solid waste

We've previously reported on the coal-to-liquid development efforts underway at Auburn University, a member, with WVU and other schools, of the Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science. They, too, are examining the potential for enhancing the conversion of coal into liquid fuels, and the generation of Hydrogen, by combining coal with other available materials, including various wastes.
The technical details seem well-established. We can convert coal, and some wastes, especially cellulose  and certain plastics, into components from which we can synthesize liquid fuels compatible with our current transportation fleet and infrastructure. That has been, without question, proven.
Now, it seems, one focus of research is on the economics of performing those conversions. 
The excerpt:  
"Anthony Warren and Mahmoud El-Halwagi

Chemical Engineering Department, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849, USA


The objective of this paper is to assess the technical and economic feasibility of a new process for co-liquefying coal and plastic wastes. This assessment is based on incorporating recent experimental data on plastic/coal liquefaction within a conceptual process framework. A preliminary design was developed for two process configurations. The primary difference between the configurations is the source of hydrogen (coal versus cellulosic waste). The assessment was based on co-liquefying 720 tons per day of plastic waste with an equivalent amount of coal on a weight basis. The plant products include hydrocarbon gases, naphtha, jet fuel and diesel fuel. Material and energy balances along with plant-wide simulation were conducted for the process. Furthermore, the data on plastic-waste availability, disposal and economics have been compiled. The results from the economic analysis identify profitability criteria for gross profit and thus return on investment based on variable conversion, yield and tipping fee for plastic waste processed."

These Auburn researchers appear to have addressed some narrow concerns, and no real conclusions are presented. But, the fact that such specific economic assessments have been, and are being, performed attests to the practical reality of coal, and waste, conversion to liquid fuels, just as much as does the research and development being conducted on a broad scale into the technical details of the process.

Pakistan Can Use Coal as Gas Substitute

Some excerpts, with a somewhat revelatory comment following:
"Coal gasification and coal-to-liquid are some proven technologies available which can be successfully employed in Pakistan to reduce dependence on imported oil and natural gas.

In addition to coal, there are many waste materials like cow dung, municipal solid waste, industrial waste, rice husk, wheat and rice straw and other composite materials which can be used to produce bio gas, which can be used a substitute of natural gas for winter heating and CNG filling stations for vehicle fuels. If this waste-to-energy technology is adopted in Pakistan on a fast track basis, then the problem of gas shortage can be overcome within a few years.

Coal gasification offers one of the most versatile and cleanest ways to convert the energy content of coal into electricity, hydrogen, and other energy forms."
As you will see, this article was based on an interview with an oil industry expert who works for a Houston, Texas, company. A little digging reveals that company is owned by a much larger conglomerate - a Saudi Arabian conglomerate. You can do that little bit of mining on your own. You'll find it.

More Pakistan Coal Liquefaction

Study on influence of catalysts on product distribution during liquefaction of Pakistani coal

We submit more research from Pakistan confirming the very practical reality of coal-to-liquid conversion technologies.
Note in this research that they employ lignite coal as the subject of study, a lower grade of coal that would be comparable in certain respects, such as Btu and ash content, to some WV coal mine waste accumulations; especially those at older mines that once produced coal for metallurgical use and thus discarded significant amounts of run-of-mine product because of excessive ash and volatile content. Much high-Btu organic material still resides in those wastes.
The excerpt: 

"Imtiaz Ahmad, Mohammad Arsala Khan, Mohammad Shakirullah, Mohammad Ishaq, Rashid Ahmad, Habib ur Rehman and Saeed ur Rehman

Institute of Chemical Sciences, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, NWFP 25120, Pakistan

Department of Chemical Engineering, Yanbu Industrial College, Yanbu Al Sinayah, Saudi Arabia

Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan


The influence of a group of metal oxide, hydroxide and chloride catalysts on the yields of liquefied products has been identified. The results of hydrogenation experiments performed with varying coal to catalyst ratio for a slurry of lignite coal in toluene demonstrated that metal loadings even as low as 1% proved effective for enhancement of yields. Among the catalysts employed, halide catalysts proved to be the most effective in terms of high yields of desirable liquefied products."

Note that "halide" catalysts are identified as being most effective. Could something as common as table salt be a key to the more profitable and more productive conversion of coal into liquid fuels?

We find it interesting that, as we have discovered in other coal-to-liquid research efforts in other places, representatives from the Oil Cartel nations, as in the Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, College researchers noted above, have insinuated themselves into coal liquefaction research efforts around the world. Just keeping their friends close, but their enemies closer, we suppose.

Coal & Waste Plastic TL - Pakistan

Pakistan is yet another country recognizing the potential of coal to provide us with both liquid fuels and  technologies for reclaiming value from some, otherwise worthless, plastic wastes.
Coal can be combined with some types of waste plastic and processed into the precursors for liquid fuel manufacturing.
The excerpt:
"Pyrolysis of some whole plastics and plastics–coal mixtures 

Mohammad Ishaq, Imtiaz Ahmad, Mohammad Shakirullah, Mohammad Arsala Khan, Habib ur Rehman and Ali Bahader

Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Peshawar NWFP 25120, Pakistan 


This paper demonstrates the thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of some whole plastics and plastic–coal mixtures with and without solvent in an inert atmosphere of N2 using a micro autoclave. The temperature was varied between 300 and 400 °C. The effect of some catalysts, i.e., AlCl3 and Co–Mo, on the liquid yield was also studied. The results demonstrate that temperature has a promising effect on the yield; however high temperature, as well as high catalyst loading, caused a decline in liquid yield. The effect of the solvent was found to be significant. None of the catalysts show an impressive effect on the yield of the desired products. Among the plastics studied, high density polyethylene (HDPE) and polypropylene (PP) gave high yields even in the absence of a solvent and catalyst. The results are quite promising in terms of resource recovery, both from coal as well as plastics. The idea will also help in combating the environmental problems associated with plastics and coal."

Note that the results "are quite promising" relative to extracting value from "coal as well as (waste) plastics".