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September, 2012, Coal and CO2 to Liquid Fuel and Electric Power

United States Patent: 8268896

Just yesterday, September 18, 2012, technical experts employed - - through our United States Government's Patent and Trademark Office - - by all United States citizens, again confirmed some key facts which we have previously documented for you.

Coal Ash Offers "Remarkable Benefits"


The report we bring to you in this dispatch, concerning what truly are the "remarkable" economic and environmental "benefits" of utilizing Coal Ash as a basic raw material, in what are lumped together as "construction" applications, does not, we confess, originate entirely from an independent and unimpeachable academic or government source, although it was conducted by a very credible university.

USDOE Finances September, 2012, CO2 to Methanol

United   States Patent Application: 0120225956

It is time we started openly talking about, and reporting on, the Natural   Gas boom.

But, the Natural Gas boom we should be talking about isn't the one   involving "America's" so-called "Clean Energy Alternative", that, as seen   in:

After   Disclosure of Sierra Club’s Gifts From Gas Driller, a Roiling Debate -   NYTimes.com

"The recent disclosure of the Sierra Club’s secret   acceptance of $26 million in donations from people associated with a natural   gas company has revived an uncomfortable debate among environmental groups   about corporate donations and transparency. Carl Pope was the Sierra   Club executive director when the group accepted $26 million   in gifts from Chesapeake Energy. The Sierra Club used the   Chesapeake Energy money, donated mainly by the company’s chief   executive from 2007 to 2010, for its Beyond Coal campaign to block new   coal-fired power plants and shutter old ones. Carl Pope, then the   club’s executive director, promoted natural gas as a cleaner “bridge fuel” to   a low-carbon future";

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Process of producing light weight aggregate

We've documented many times from many sources the great potential value of Coal Ash, to the Cement and Concrete manufacturing and construction industries.

In the most straightforward way, as explained for one instance in:

West Virginia Coal Association | US EPA Headquarters Housed in Coal Ash | Research & Development; wherein we're told, in part, that: "fly ash has been used in concrete since the 1930’s. Most notably, it has been used in several construction projects and prominent buildings, including the Ronald Reagan Government Office building, home to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in Washington, D.C.";

July, 2012, CO2 to Methanol

United   States Patent Application: 0120171583

We've documented many times that the potential exists for what is,   essentially, the electrolysis of Carbon Dioxide, or co-electrolysis of CO2   with a co-reactant, usually H2O, a process sometimes referred to as   "syntrolysis", in order to chemically reduce or recombine Carbon Dioxide,   and/or it's co-reactants, into more active chemical species.