WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

General Motors Uses Sunshine to Make Hydrogen

United   States Patent: 7459065

This will be a somewhat, even for us, tedious dispatch; but not one, we   assure you, that is off-topic.

There is a fair amount of ground to cover; and, we'll traverse it as   expeditiously as possible.

We again remind you, that, as seen, for just two examples, in our   reports of:

West   Virginia Coal Association | Conoco Converts CO2 to Methanol and Dimethyl Ether   | Research & Development; concerning: "United States Patent 6,664,207   - Catalyst for Converting Carbon Dioxide to   Oxygenates; 2003; Assignee: ConocoPhillips Company,   Houston; Abstract: A catalyst and process for converting carbon dioxide into   oxygenates. The catalyst comprises copper, zinc, aluminum, gallium, and a   solid acid (which comprises) a zeolite (specified as) ZSM-5. A catalyst   composition for converting carbon dioxide to methanol and dimethyl   ether. The present invention relates generally to the conversion of   carbon dioxide to oxygenates. In another aspect, the invention concerns   a catalyst for converting a feed comprising carbon dioxide and   hydrogen into methanol and dimethyl ether"; and:

Romney v. Obama: Two coal futures? - Business, Government Legal New

""Carbon dioxide emissions have been the target of the current administration, attempting to curtail rising global temperatures. One of the solutions from both sides of the aisle has been encouraging development of shale gas, the burning of which produces less carbon dioxide.""

As we've documented for you, in an issue that goes entirely unacknowledged by the press, Shale Gas, even though it emits "only" about two-thirds the CO2 of Coal per unit of energy generated when it's burned, is in many place already contaminated with a large burden of CO2 at it comes out of the ground. In some cases, 30% or more of as-produced Shale Gas consists of CO2, which is simply stripped out and vented to the atmosphere before the product gas is put into a pipeline.

USDOE Pays Kentucky to Improve Fischer-Tropsch Coal Conversion

United States Patent Application: 0110294906

The University of Kentucky innovation in Coal liquefaction technology we report herein is one which, for us, requires a little interpretation; and, we'll do our best to take a stab at it.

We have made many reports of indirect Coal conversion processes - - designed to convert Coal, first, into a synthesis gas blend of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen, with subsequent catalytic chemical condensation of the synthesis gas into liquid hydrocarbons - - which are founded on the nearly ancient Fischer-Tropsch technology employed by Germany, during World War II, to make liquid hydrocarbon fuels out of Coal.

Obama White House Blocked EPA Coal Ash 'Hazardous' Label

EPA   Backed Off 'Hazardous' Label for Coal Ash After White House Review -   NYTimes.com

In spite of all the Baloney Sandwiches being hurled about in   the press, concerning President Obama's supposed "War On Coal", all   of them no doubt gleefully slathered with mayonnaise by his chief   detractors in the Republican Party, as seen for one example, in:

West   Virginia Coal Association | A Vendetta Against Coal | Latest; "A Vendetta   Against Coal; By John E. Sununu; Who Says President Obama doesn’t have an   energy policy? Last month it was boldly on display as the Environmental   Protection Agency published rules restricting CO2 emissions for power   plants";

Louisiana Coal Ash Protects Concrete from Corrosion

United   States Patent Application: 0120156381

In the very recently-published United States Patent Application centered   on the productive use of Coal Ash we bring to your attention herein, we   introduce a technical concept that has come up with some consistency in the   course of our research into the consumption and utilization of Coal Ash in the   synthesis of Cement, or materials that are in many ways like Cement.

And, keep in mind that when we use the label "Cement", it means quite a   lot more than just Portland-type Cement, "PC", and Portland-type Cement   Concrete, "PCC".

There exists a spectrum of, essentially, mineral-based compositions -   i.e., plasters, grouts, mortars - that are, like PC and   PCC, essentially fluids of a usually high viscosity when initially   blended, but which, through typically a combination of both physical and   chemical processes, "cure", or harden up, to form a solid and mineral-like   product.