WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Standard Oil 1950 Coal + Steam = Hydrogenated Syngas

We continue to hammer away at a point that should long ago have been made public to the citizens of the United States of America, especially those citizens resident in US Coal Country; a point which should, by now, be tediously apparent to all our readers:
Coal can be hydrogenated through gasification by, and interaction with, Steam, in order to produce an hydrogenated synthesis gas especially well-suited for Fischer-Tropsch, and related, catalytic condensation into liquid hydrocarbons.
We document herein, yet again, that the petroleum industry, and our own US Government, through issuance of so many patents on such technology, have known that to be true for well more than half a century.

Mobil Oil CO2 + CH4 + H2O = Hydrocarbon Syngas

One dirty little secret left publicly unstated by outspoken proponents of increased Natural Gas usage, as a means to "cleanly" overcome our domestic energy shortage, is that, as we have earlier documented, Natural Gas is most often, as found in geologic reservoirs, already mixed with a large, sometimes surprisingly large, percentage of Carbon Dioxide.
That inherent CO2 content can be reduced by the Gas producer, with the extracted CO2 then most often, as we understand the literature, just released into the atmosphere; or, depending on concentrations, it can be simply passed along to the consumer, where it, along with the Gas combustion products, still eventually winds up in the atmosphere.

Mobil Oil 1977 Coal to Jet Fuel

As with many of Big Oil's published technical documents, including US Patents, wherein the topic is the conversion of Coal into liquid hydrocarbon fuels, they quite obviously prefer to avoid use of that four-letter indiscretion, in as much as is possible. Typically, they employ fig leaf phrases like "Fischer-Tropsch" and "carbonaceous solids" to hide the naughty bits from the uninformed. 
That is true of this United States Patent awarded to Mobil Oil in 1977, as well, wherein, in confirmation of other documentation we have earlier and separately provided you, including from our own US Department of Defense, it is revealed that Coal can be utilized to manufacture a, relative to petroleum-based competitors, high-performance jet fuel.

Korea CO2 to Methanol to Gasoline


We have previously reported that Korean scientists were at work developing technologies, similar in many respects to some we have documented as having been, or as being, developed by several of the USDOE's National Laboratories; by USDOD corporate contractors; and, by a few major universities; wherein Carbon Dioxide can be reclaimed and reprocessed, essentially recycled, to synthesize liquid hydrocarbon fuels.
Herein, it is seen that our own United States Government has validated both those Korean developments and the plain truth that Carbon Dioxide can, in fact, on a practical basis, be harvested from the atmosphere and then converted into liquid hydrocarbons.

Korea Converts More CO2 to Methanol

In a decade-old file maintained by our own US Government in one of their libraries, Korea, again, in confirmation of earlier reports concerning the same, or similar, technology from that nation we have brought to your attention, confirms that, in an efficient and relatively straightforward process, using reactions that have been known for more than a century, Carbon Dioxide can be converted into the liquid fuel, Methanol.
Comment follows the briefest of excerpts from:
"CAMERE Process for Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation to form Methanol
Date: August, 2000
Author: Oh-Shim-Joo; Korea Institute of Science and Technology
Abstract: Catalytic hydrogenation of CO2 has been one of the major approaches to diminish the greenhouse gas because large amounts of CO2 can be converted to resources such as methanol ... .
In the CAMERE process, carbon dioxide is converted to CO and H2O by the reverse-water-gas-shift reaction (and the) produced gas ... is fed to a methanol reactor.
With the gas feeding of CO/CO2/H2, the water produced in the methanol reactor (serves to increase) carbon oxide (CO2 + CO) conversion to methanol."