WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

Even More China Coal-Methane Co-Conversion

ScienceDirect - Fuel Processing Technology : Experimental study of synthesis gas production by coal and natural gas co-conver.
(With apologies to all our addressees, this is, we know, the third time we have attempted transmission of this report. The personal disabilities and technical insufficiencies we are working against flawed those previous attempts. We believe the topic to be of such importance, however, that we are compelled to persist, and we ask your patience as we try to so persevere. - JtM)
We have lately been extolling the many virtues of Methane, as can be synthesized, via Sabatier technology, from Carbon Dioxide.

More China Coal-Methane Co-Conversion

ScienceDirect - Fuel Processing Technology : Experimental study of synthesis gas production by coal and natural gas co-conver.
We have lately been extolling the many virtues of Methane, as can be synthesized, via Sabatier technology, from Carbon Dioxide.
Aside from our documented ability to use Methane to recycle more Carbon Dioxide, reacting the two together in "tri-reforming" processes, such as explained by scientists at Penn State University; and, aside from being able to convert Methane directly into liquid fuels, as demonstrated by the multiple US Patents for such technology held by ARCO, and by other patented technology dating back to the 1930's; we can also use Methane, as we have reported from multiple sources, to enhance the productivity of indirect Coal conversion processes targeted on the manufacture of liquid fuels.

US Makes Methane from Coal - in 1970

We have lately been reporting on the broad utility of Methane, i.e.: how it can be directly converted into liquid hydrocarbon fuels; how it can be reacted, or "tri-reformed", with Carbon Dioxide to synthesize higher hydrocarbons; and, how it can enhance the productivity of indirect Coal conversion technologies, to create improved synthesis gas suitable for catalysis into liquid hydrocarbons.
Herein, a report of research, financed by the US Government's Office of Coal Research, we believe to have been published in 1970, confirms that the versatile Methane can itself, as we have earlier documented, be manufactured via the steam gasification of Coal.

China & Japan Seeks US CoalTL Patent

PROCESS FOR DIRECT COAL LIQUEFACTION - Patent application - of coal including: preparing a coal slurry from raw coal
We remind you that we some time ago alerted you to the fact that China had fairly recently applied for international patents on a direct Coal liquefaction process that sounded, to us, very similar to what we understand of WVU's "West Virginia Process" for the direct liquefaction of Coal.
Herein, via the above link, we learn that a group of what we believe to be Chinese scientists has, through the United States offices of the Japanese company, Hitachi, applied for a US Patent on what seems to be a somewhat different Coal liquefaction technology.

Japan Converts CO2 to Methanol

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #7110207
We earlier reported that Japan had developed it's own technology, somewhat different from the Sabatier technique, to convert Carbon Dioxide into Methane, whose utility as a raw material for synthesizing liquid fuels, and as an agent for the recycling of additional Carbon Dioxide, we have amply documented. Our report of that technology is now published on the West Virginia Coal Association's web site as "Japan Converts CO2 to Methane".
Herein, via the above link and following excerpt, we learn that Japan has also developed efficient technology to recycle Carbon Dioxide directly into the versatile liquid fuel, and gasoline synthesis raw material, Methanol.