WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

USDOE Patents CH4 + H2o to Syngas

United States Patent: 3984530
The title, as below, of this US Patent, more than 33 years old, is a little misleading.
And, from our perspective, the point of the whole thing is ridiculous, and highlights how practical solutions to our critical needs for conventional, and still versatile, forms of energy have been shunted aside by what we must presume to be political agendas.

And, Even More Consol CoalTL

Energy Citations Database (ECD) - - Document #6609731

Among many of our other reports on Consolidation Coal, Consol, and their development of Coal liquefaction technologies, we recently documented a presentation on their "Synthetic Fuels Process" which they had delivered to the "8th World Petroleum Congress" held in 1971, in Moscow.
As we have also earlier reported, Consol's research into CoalTL evolved, and they developed technologies for the use of Zinc Chloride, or Zinc Halide, in the liquefaction of Coal; technology later patented, again as we have documented, and as far as we know unused, by their new parent company, Continental Oil.

More CO2 & Penn State Electromethanogenesis

We recently submitted a US Patent Application, made by Penn State University, for the conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Methane by utilizing methanogenic bacteria nourished by both Carbon Dioxide and electrical current.
Herein, in a Penn State reprint of an American Chemical Society publication from May, 2009, they offer a preview of their now patent-applied-for technology.
Some excerpts from the link:
"Electromethanogenesis: the direct bioconversion of current to methane
Methane can be a problem or a solution, depending on one’s viewpoint or circumstance. For Bruce Logan and co-workers at Pennsylvania State University, it’s both. It’s a problem when the researchers want to make hydrogen gas in microbial electrolysis cells (MECs), because making methane reduces hydrogen yield. The researchers have been studying the formation of methane in MECs in an effort to avoid it. To their surprise, they found that a microbe, most likely Methanobacterium palustre, can synthesize methane using electrons directly from current in addition to using hydrogen gas. This fundamental discovery could lead to an efficient way to generate methane, the main component of natural gas, from electricity and could have other environmental applications.

Despite its name, M. palustre is not a bacterium but an archaeon. It is also a methanogen, which means it can reduce CO2 to methane with H2 as an electron donor. Now, Logan and colleagues have found that this microbe appears to use electrons from current. “We think this is the first direct evidence that methanogens can accept electrons,” says Logan.
“Efficient methane production fueled by electrons directly from an electrode is an important discovery!” says Yuri Gorby, who studies electrically conductive appendages produced by bacteria (know as bacterial nanowires) at the J. Craig Venter Institute in San Diego. “What is significant about this publication is the reported efficiency of energy transformation; 80% efficiency is pretty darn good. As a microbial physiologist and ecologist, the questions become, ‘What is the mechanism, and does this occur in nature?’ Although this article does not address these questions, it provides hope that it is at least possible.”

“Methanogenic archaea have a unique biochemistry, employing cofactors and enzymes not commonly present in other types of microorganisms,” explain microbial physiologists Alfons Stams and Jeanine Geelhoed at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). Stams and Geelhoed note that, in the current paper, the authors’ interpretation of their results is based on the observation that little or no hydrogen is produced in a similar setup without microorganisms. Although the authors show convincingly that methanogens are essential, Stams and Geelhoed believe that the study does not unequivocally rule out the possibility that hydrogen is formed first and is the electron donor for CO2 reduction. They note that bacterial and/or archaeal enzymes may mediate electron transfer between the electrode surface and cells. They also suggest that a possible role for hydrogen could be ruled out experimentally by using a compound that inhibits methanogenesis. “Further research is clearly necessary to obtain insight of the molecular mechanism of electromethanogenesis and electrohydrogenesis,” they say.

The direct transfer of electrical current, or more precisely, electrons, to methanogens suggests that it may be possible to generate methane from wind or solar power sources; the methane could then be stored as fuel for later use, says Logan. At the moment, you can make biofuels from about anything that’s biodegradable, but it’s a complex process, explains Logan. First, CO2 is fixed into an organic compound by plants or microbes. Next, the organic compound is consumed by microbes. Eventually, methane is emitted.

To make methane electrochemically directly from CO2 is difficult because there is a big over-potential. But methanogens can do it very easily and have been for eons. What the paper implies is this: if you have a source of current, you have a source of electrons, and you can make methane electrochemically.
“Let’s say the sun is shining during the day, and you are making solar energy, great! Then nighttime comes; what do you do?” asks Logan. “If you had a big capacitor or battery you could store the energy, or you could make a fuel like hydrogen or methane. Some people say hydrogen is too difficult to compress and to store, [but] nobody says that about natural gas. We’ve got pipelines of natural gas all over the world, and it’s used in conventional engines. It’s no problem to use at all,” Logan concludes.
Korneel Rabaey, who is at the University of Queensland (Australia) and is an expert on bioelectrical systems, believes that while the discovery that methanogenic archaea can perform extracellular electron transfer is exciting, it’s mainly interesting from a scientific rather than a practical viewpoint. The next step is to demonstrate this with an isolated methanogen, and that is a worthwhile challenge, according to Rabaey. Logan’s group is already working on it."
Well, based on PSU's patent application for this technology, it looks like they were not only "already working on it", but had it darned-near ready to go.
But, as in our earlier dispatch of the patent application, with this technology, a supply of free Hydrogen isn't needed to convert the Carbon Dioxide to Methane.
All that is needed are ready supplies of both free electrons, i.e., electric current, and Carbon Dioxide.
Does anyone know where, in the world, we might be able to find those?
If someone should happen to stumble onto some, perhaps, by chance, in the vicinity of a coal-fired power plant, then they could start making Methane.
And, as we've tediously reported, once you have the Methane, you can, through a variety of technologies documented in the West Virginia Coal Association R&D archives, convert it directly into liquid fuels; or, use it to enhance the productivity of indirect Coal liquefaction processes to make liquid fuels; or, tri-reform it with even more Carbon Dioxide to make liquid fuels.

Conoco Patents CoalTL Economic Refinement

Regeneration of zinc halide catalyst used in the hydrocracking of polynuclear hydrocarbons - Patent 4081400
We remind you of an earlier dispatch, posted February 3, 2010, on the West Virginia Coal Association's R&D Blog as "Conoco Patents Consol CoalTL Process"
As we have been reporting, Consol researchers were, separately, near the end of the FMC COED project, which was funded by the US Government, working on their own coal liquefaction technology, the Zinc Chloride, or  Zinc Halide, Coal Liquefaction Process, also with US Government support, under USDOE Contract EX-76-C-01-1743. 

More Conoco/Consol ZnCl CoalTL

Direct Zinc Chloride Hydrocracking of Sub-bituminous Coal and Regeneration of Spent Melt - Shale Oil, Tar Sands, and Related .

We earlier transmitted documentation of a US Patent, now held by Conoco, though developed by Consol Coal scientists, for the economic recovery of Zinc Halide catalysts used, we asserted, in converting Coal into liquid petroleum raw materials.
The inventor was named as Everett Gorin, and, although his state of residence in that US Patent was listed as California, we wanted to further document that he is, or was, in fact, a Coal scientist who spent at least some of his career at Consol's Library, PA,  Coal research and development facility.