WV Coal Member Meeting 2024 1240x200 1 1

General Electric Converts China Coal

The excerpt:
"GE Energy Licenses its Gasification Technology for Coal-to-Methanol Plant in China
"GE's gasification technology has been licensed by 38 facilities in China, allowing chemicals manufacturers to use successfully a variety of relatively inexpensive local coals to create a wide variety of industrial chemicals and fuels," said Jason Crew, director, gasification products, Asia, for GE Energy. "This experience gives our licensees an edge in China's increasingly competitive chemical production industry.""
We quite some time ago reported China's published intent to build 88 coal-to-liquid conversion factories as part of their five-year plan; factories which will supply not just methanol, which can be converted into gasoline at moderate expense or used as a raw material for plastics and other organic chemical manufacturing, but diesel and versatile di-methyl ether fuels, as well.
General Electric will, it seems, be providing the technical components for at least 38 of those coal-to-liquid factories.

Airlines Praise Coal Fuel

We earlier reported ASTM's recent approval of coal-based jet fuel for America's air carriers, even though South Africa has been pumping Sasol's coal-based jet fuel into airliners on that continent for quite some time.
And, it all comes sixty years after West Virginia's US Senator Randolph flew from Morgantown to Washington, DC, in a small plane powered by some coalshine brewed up for him by WVU.
Still, it's noteworthy that: "ATA Applauds ASTM International Subcommittee Passage of Synthetic Jet Fuel Specification". As follows: 

"WASHINGTON, June 25, 2009 - The Air Transport Association of America (ATA), the industry trade organization for the leading U.S. airlines, today applauded the ASTM International Aviation Fuels Subcommittee for passing a new specification that will enable the use of synthetic fuels in aviation. This step by ASTM, a standards development organization, is a watershed event and sets the stage for the blended fuel to receive full ASTM approval by the fall of this year."

“The action of the ASTM subcommittee is a landmark step for all consumers of jet fuel,” said ATA President and CEO James C. May. “It signals the beginning of a new era for widespread production and use of cleaner, alternative fuels that not only will help the airline industry meet its environmental goals but also will provide airlines with more competitive options for purchasing jet fuel while simultaneously enhancing U.S. energy security.”

Mike, the foregoing should be highlighted in it's entirety, but allow us to summarize: The approval of coal-based jet fuel is a watershed, a landmark step for all consumers, the beginning of a new era of cleaner alternative fuels that will help meet environmental goals while enhancing US energy security.

Yep, coal can do that.

Liqufaction Plant Tests H-Coal Process

First, you'll have to ignore the hyperbolic title. This Kentucky installation was likely puny compared to the German and Japanese WWII liquefaction plants, and could probably have been squeezed into one of the employee restrooms at Sasol's Secunda, Africa, CoalTL complex.
But, have a look at the Abstract. It does verify some of what we've been reporting.
"Title:   Largest ever liquefaction plant will test H-coal process
Publication:   Coal Mining and Processing, vol. 14, Mar. 1977, p. 84-86, 88, 90.
Publication Date:   03/1977
Category:   Energy Production and Conversion
Origin:   STI
Bibliographic Code:   1977CMPr...14...84.


The overall design, capabilities, and economic and technological functions of the $90 million coal liquefaction plant being built at Catlettsburg, Kentucky are discussed. The H-coal liquefaction process is described briefly. The process is expected to convert all major types of coal (bituminous, subbituminous, lignite) to clean sweet (low-sulfur) petroleum substitutes, no matter what the sulfur content of the coal feedstock. The process involves direct addition of a hydrogen stream to dried pulverized coal slurried with synthetic oil recycled from the process further downstream. Two flowsheets are provided."

Rockwell International & Hydropyrolysis of Coal - 1978

Another relatively ancient artifact, from another well-known corporation, attesting to our knowledge, and the reality, of technologies for converting our abundant coal into needed liquid fuels.
The excerpt:
"Title:   Coal conversion by flash hydropyrolysis and hydrogasification
Authors:   Oberg, C.L., Combs, L.P.,  Silverman, J.
Affiliation:   AA(Rockwell International Corp., Rocketdyne Div., Canoga Park, Calif
In: Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, 13th, San Diego, Calif., August 20-25, 1978, Proceedings. Volume 1. (A79-10001 01-44) Warrendale, Pa., Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., 1978, p. 402-408


Results are described from two programs directed toward development of high-mass-flux, short-residence-time reactors for conversion of coal into high-value gases and liquids. For either liquefaction or gasification, pulverized coal is rapidly and thoroughly mixed with preheated hydrogen and allowed to react for periods ranging from a few milliseconds to a few seconds. In the liquefaction case, the reaction is subsequently quenched rapidly. Successful reactor tests have been carried out at nominal coal flowrates of 1/4- and 1-ton/hour with caking bituminous coals. Up to 1500 pounds of coal has been processed in single test with test durations up to 1 hour. Favorable quality liquids and gases have been produced with overall conversions consistent with the requirements of a commercial plant. Results from liquefaction tests with western Kentucky bituminous coals and gasification tests with bituminous and sub-bituminous coals will be described." .
We will excerpt and highlight one passage: "Favorable quality liquids and gases have been produced with overall conversions consistent with the requirements of a commercial plant."
In 1978, we knew that we could produce  "Favorable quality (fuel) liquids"  from coal, in ways that were  "consistent with the requirements of a commercial plant."
What, besides the price, and the total cost, of imported petroleum, has changed since 1978? Shouldn't everything about coal-based liquids be even more "favorable" now?

Improved Direct Coal Liquefaction

Preconversion processing of bituminous coals: New directions to improved direct catalytic coal liquefaction.
We submit this supposedly DOE-sponsored report with some caution. No individual authors were named, and we can as yet find no trace of a BCR National Lab in Pittsburgh. All the other "National" Labs we're familiar with have their own web sites, and published third-party descriptions available. But not, apparently, "BCR".
However, we send this along because it is an explication of the process for direct coal liquefaction, the technique which, we believe, is at the heart of WVU's "West Virginia Process" for coal-to-liquid conversion.
Excerpt, with comment following:
"Publication Date 1992 Oct 01 OSTI Identifier OSTI ID: 7150506; Legacy ID: DE93006439 Report Number(s) DOE/PC/91041-T4; BCRNL-L--1668 DOE Contract Number AC22-91PC91041 Other Number(s) Other: ON: DE93006439 Resource Type Technical Report Research Org BCR National Lab., Pittsburgh, PA (United States) Sponsoring Org DOE; USDOE, Washington, DC (United States)
Soaking coal in coal liquids at 300-400[degrees]C (high-tenperature soaking) has been studied for coal dissolution prior to liquefaction in the previous task. Two high-volatile bituminous coals, Illinois No. 6 and Pittsburgh No. 8, were examined in three different coal liquids. The high-temperature soaking was effective to solubilize more than 70 wt% cf these coals. The mechanism of disintegration of coal by the high-temperature soaking was investigated under various soaking conditions. The products was also analyzed with solvent swelling. These results were rationalized that coal is solubilized primarily by physical disintegration. The derived mechanism was consistent with the new concept of coal structure: A significant portion of coal is physically associated, not three-dimensionally cross-linked. Radically-induced scission reactions were proposed to prorate breakage of coal moleculs by the combination of the high-temperature soaking before liquefaction. In this term, the effect of radical initiators were investigated under the conditions of the high-temperature soaking and liquefaction. Illinois No. 6 coal and a coal liquid derived from the same coal were used. The first section reports the effect of radical initiators on coal disintegration, and the second section reports the effect of a radical initiator on coal liquefaction. Radical initiators had a positive effect on disintegration. However, the effect was highly temperature-dependent and had a negative effect on liquefaction at high temperatures."
Our take is that this report is supposed to be part of a series, given the first-sentence passage "has been studied for coal dissolution prior to liquefaction in the previous task". However, we can find no reports of previous, or subsequent, tasks; and, no substantiating documentation that a "BCR", or any other, "National Lab" exists in Pittsburgh.
Lacking such documentation,  we submit it only because the DOE was the reported sponsor, and because of the similarities in this process description to what we know of the WV CTL Process. Too, if valid, the report confirms that there has been a lot of US effort put into the development of coal liquefaction processes, which, like the several CTL plants put into operation immediately after WWII, and in the several decades following, we just haven't heard much about.